Life in the UK 复习要点

周六刚刚考完,从开始到顺利通过拿到Pass paper 共用了半个小时。复习周期一周,但真正静下心来准备考试也就2天半。特上传LZ在考前的复习资料。望对近期报名考试的朋友有些帮助。建议大家要速读一下书,然后根据LZ列出来的点理解记忆。然后对应做10套题。

Chapter 2 A changing society

  1. 16th -18th Huguenots (French) came to UK---- Religious
    1840 Irish men helped build canal and railways
  2. 1880 -1910 Jewish people to escape racist attacks
  3. 1939 -1945 After second world war
    Europe people come to UK to reconstruction
    1948 West Indies came to UK
    1950 West Indies drive buses
    India & Pakistan for Textile & engineering
    1960 The number of people fell due to new laws
    1980 Largest group from US, Australia, South Africa & New Zealand
    1990 Former Soviet Union came to UK
    1994 Global rise migration people
  4. 1857 Women no right to divorce her husband
    1882 Women earnings, property, money belong to husband
  5. 1918 Women over 30 can vote
    1928 Women at 21 can vote
  6. Women in Britain make up 51% of the population;
    45% of the work force.
  7. 75% of women with school-age children are in paid work
    Pay rate for women is 20% less than men
  8. Children > 19, young people about 15 million ( which is 25% of UK population)
  9. 65% live with both parents
    25% live in lone parents
    10% live with step family
  10. Education
    5- 16 years old must attend school
    7, 11, 14 years old take National test in English, Mathematics & Science
    16 years old take GCSE test
    17 & 18 years old ------A level
    (1/3 Young people go on higher education)
  11. Paid work not before 14 years old
    2 Million Children working
  12. No sell tobacco <16 (Cigarette fallen in adult)
    No sell alcohol <18
  13. ½ Young adults = 1/3 of population have used illegal drugs
  14. Vote age at 18
    20% young people used their vote (in 2001)
    86% had taken part in some form of Community (in 2003)
    50% had taken part in fund-raising for charity (in 2003)
  15. 14 years old children job must common are: newspaper delivery, supermarket & newsagents. (问Supermarket比较多)
  16. Girls leave school with better qualifications & there are more women at university
  17. It is illegal to discriminate against women at work because of their sex
  18. 1st World war :1914- 1918
    2nd World war: 1939- 1945

Chapter 3 UK today

  1. UK population : total is 59.8 million
    England 84% 50.1 million
    Scotland 8% 5.1 million
    Wales 5% 2.9 million
    Northern Ireland 3% 1.7 million

  2. The population has grown by 7.7% since 1971,
    North East & North West has been decline

  3. Ageing population:
    60 years old > 16 years old (record number of people who over 85)

  4. The census:
    Start at 1801, (a census has been taken every 10 year) except the 2nd World War
    Nearly census in 2011
    Released after 100 years

  5. Ethnic diversity:
    People of Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Black Caribbean, Black African, Bangladeshi & mixed ethnic -------8.3% of UK population (which are 4.6 million)
    White people —92% of UK population
    Now, 50% of these country people born in UK
    Large number have also arrived since 2004 from the New East European

  6. Ethnic group 9% in 2001;
    45% of all ethnic minority people live in the London
    29% of London‘s residents are ethnic minorities

  7. UK-----medium sized country
    The longest distance on the mainland -----870 miles (about 1400km)

  8. Language: London-----Cockney

  9. Religion in the UK : 75% has religion, 70% Christian
    2.7% Muslim
    1.0% Hindu
    0.6% Sikh
    0.5% Jewish
    0.3% Buddhist
    0.3% other
    Only 10% attend religious services (but increasing in London)

  10. 1534 , Church of England existed-----------------(King & Queen is the head & Supreme Governor is the head)
    Anglican Church is used to refer to the church of England.

  11. Church leader---------- Archbishop of Canterbury
    (No established church in Wales or in North Ireland)
    In Scotland, the established church -------- The Presbyterian Church. (Head—chief moderator)

  12. Patron Saints day: 4 bank holidays
    1st March Wales St. David day
    17th March North Ireland St. Patrick’s day
    23rd April England St. George’s day
    30th November Scotland St. Andrew’s day
    (These are not public holidays, except for 17th March in Northern Ireland)

  13. Holiday: Mother’s day Sunday (3 weeks before Easter)
    Halloween 31st October ( Pumpkins)
    Guy Fawkes Night 5th November (Fireworks)
    Remembrance Day 11th November
    (Remember died in first & second war at 11am, 2 mins silence)

  14. Sport: No UK team for football & rugby
    Open golf championship
    Grand National horse race

  15. The monarch has the right to select the Archbishop & other senior church officials,
    But usually the choice is made by the “Prime Minister” and “ a committee appointed by the church.”

Chapter 4 How the United Kingdom is governed

  1. Government : 646 Parliamentary constituencies
  2. The House of commons: Create new law
    Scrutinise and comment government‘s doing
    Debate important national issues
    Member of House of Commons called “members of parliament” or MPs for short.
    The leader is Prime Minister, selection 5 year
  3. The whips: small group of MPs appointed by party leader.
    Responsible: discipline in their party & making sure MPs attend the House of Common to vote.
  4. European parliamentary elections: 5 years 78 seats
  5. The House of Lords: Independent government
    Suggest amendments
    Propose new laws
  6. The Cabinet: 20 senior MPs meet weekly
  7. The Opposition: second largest party
  8. The speaker: elected by fellow MPs;
    Role: to chair proceedings in the House of Commons
  9. The party system: Labour Party
    Conservative Party
    Liberal Democrats
  10. Pressure and Lobby group : Influence government Policy
  11. The civil service : to be politically neutral and professional
  12. The Welsh Assembly government --------Cardiff 60 seats every 4 years
    The Parliament of Scotland -------------Edinburgh 129 members
    The Northern Ireland Assembly------------Stormont 108 members
  13. Local Government: London has 33 local government
    20% fund through Council Tax
    Election for councillors--------- May every year
  14. Jury: innocent or guilty
    Judge: penalty
  15. The police: Operational independence
  16. Who can Vote: 1928------ 21 years old
    1969-------18 years old
  17. Electoral register updated every year in Sep. or Oct.
  18. The Commonwealth members : 53 promote democracy
    Good government -------to eradicate poverty
  19. The EU : 27 members Countries
    The European Commission -----------------in Brussels, (Belgium)
    The European Parliament meet -----------in Strasbourg, (France)
  20. The council of Europe was created in 1949.
  21. The United Nation: 190 countries prevent war.
  22. The Queen has reigned since her father’s death in 1952
  23. The system of government in the United Kingdom is a Parliamentary democracy
  24. A bill to change it is the only one to which the House of Lords must give its consent
  25. The Chief Whip often attends Cabinet/ Shadow Cabinet meeting and arranges the schedule of proceeding in House of Commons with the Speaker.
  26. Responsible for the economy-------- Chancellor of Exchequer
  27. Responsible for Law order and immigration-------Home Secretary
  28. The name of official reports of proceeding in Parliament -------Hansard
  29. When did Britain join the European Union------1973

Chapter 5 Everyday needs

  1. 2/3 own their own home

  2. Mortgage: loan paid back 25 years long

  3. Buy a home: Estate in England;
    Go to Solicitor in Scotland (In Scotland, buyer makes offers over that amount)

  4. Council accommodation: according to your needs.
    Through a system point, but have to wait long time.

  5. Housing associations: independent not-for-profit organisation .

  6. Water: bill depends on size of property

  7. Council tax: depending on size and value of house

  8. Credit and store card: very high interest

  9. Credit Unions: Interest rates are usually lower than bank

  10. Social Security : Benefits not apply for illegal people

  11. NHS began in 1948

  12. Prescriptions are free---------Under 16 (25 in Wales)
    Under 19 full time student
    Over 60
    Pregnant or baby under 12 months
    Suffering specified medical condition
    Receiving benefit

  13. Going to hospital:
    Minor test: Outpatients department
    If takes several hours: A day patients
    If overnight: An in-patient

  14. Dentists: Free dental---------People under 18 (under 25, over 60 in wales)
    Pregnant women
    Women with a baby under 12 months
    People who with benefits

  15. Opticians----------- free in Scotland
    Children, over 60 years
    With Certain conditions

  16. Pregnancy: Receive regular ante-natal care take care the body until 5 years old

  17. Registering a birth: within 6 weeks
    If married: mother or father can register
    If not married: only mother can register;
    If want both name on certificate, both mum & dad must present.

  18. Education:
    Free: 5-16
    Primary School: 5-11
    Secondary School: until 16

  19. Independent school: 2500 private schools in UK
    8% children go to these school

  20. Test: key stage test: 7, 11, 14
    GCSEs : 16
    A level : 18

  21. Career allowed: 14 years old (England)
    11 years old (Wales)

  22. Schools must be open 190 days a year

  23. At 16 can leave school/ go on A level

  24. University: up to £3000.00 per year

  25. Film, Video and DVD:
    U: Over then 4 years old
    PG: Suitable for everyone, but some part of film might be unsuitable for children
    12, 12a: under 12 years old no allowed to see
    Unless with an adult
    15: under 15 no allowed to see
    18: under 18 no allowed to see
    R18: No one under 18 is allowed to see, only available in specially licensed cinemas

  26. Pub : must be 18 years old;
    Close at 11pm
    Hotel/ Restaurant: at 16 drink wine/ beer with meal
    Landlord: allow people came at 14 years old, but no drink

  27. Betting shop: < 18 no allowed into betting shop
    < 16 no allowed buy lottery ticket

  28. Driving: 17 ----Car or motorcycle
    18 -----Medium lorry
    21 ----Large lorry

  29. Driving licence: use until 70 years old, after that renew every 3 years

  30. 3 years old car must apply MOT test

  31. 12 year old children---------booster seat

  32. Speed limits : 30 miles in built –up areas
    60 miles on single carriageways
    70 miles on motorways & dual carriageways

  33. Identity : Home Office documents
    Certificate of identity
    Passport or travel document
    NI number card
    Driving licence
    Gas, water & phone bill
    Rent or benefit book

  34. If you have a dispute with a neighbour you can use A mediator to try to solve the problem.

  35. Surveyor is the name of person who carries out checks on the structure & condition of property.

Chapter 6 Employment

  1. New Deal: Young People unemployed : 6 months
    Adults unemployed: 18months
  2. New mother and father:
    Women: 26 weeks maternity leave (无论工作多久)
    Man: 2 weeks maternity leave (需工作26 周)
  3. 14—16 can only do light work.
    Can not: More than 4 hours, without 1 hour break;
    More than 2 hours on any school day or Sunday;
    Before 7am, after 7 pm;
    More than one hour before school start;
    More than 12 hours in any school week.

15 & 16 Can work slightly more than 14 years old when they aren’t in school.
4. Children work have to get employment card: Local authority
A medical certificate

Hand book website:



Chapter 3 UK today

  1. UK population : total is 59.8 million
    England 84% 50.1 million
    Scotland 8% 5.1 million
    Wales 5% 2.9 million
    Northern Ireland 3% 1.7 million

  2. The population has grown by 7.7% since 1971,
    North East & North West has been decline

  3. Ageing population:
    60 years old > 16 years old (record number of people who over 85)

  4. The census:
    Start at 1801, (a census has been taken every 10 year) except the 2nd World War
    Nearly census in 2011
    Released after 100 years

  5. Ethnic diversity:
    People of Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Black Caribbean, Black African, Bangladeshi & mixed ethnic -------8.3% of UK population (which are 4.6 million)
    White people —92% of UK population
    Now, 50% of these country people born in UK
    Large number have also arrived since 2004 from the New East European

  6. Ethnic group 9% in 2001;
    45% of all ethnic minority people live in the London
    29% of London‘s residents are ethnic minorities

  7. UK-----medium sized country
    The longest distance on the mainland -----870 miles (about 1400km)

  8. Language: London-----Cockney

  9. Religion in the UK : 75% has religion, 70% Christian
    2.7% Muslim
    1.0% Hindu
    0.6% Sikh
    0.5% Jewish
    0.3% Buddhist
    0.3% other
    Only 10% attend religious services (but increasing in London)

  10. 1534 , Church of England existed-----------------(King & Queen is the head & Supreme Governor is the head)
    Anglican Church is used to refer to the church of England.

  11. Church leader---------- Archbishop of Canterbury
    (No established church in Wales or in North Ireland)
    In Scotland, the established church -------- The Presbyterian Church. (Head—chief moderator)

  12. Patron Saints day: 4 bank holidays
    1st March Wales St. David day
    17th March North Ireland St. Patrick’s day
    23rd April England St. George’s day
    30th November Scotland St. Andrew’s day
    (These are not public holidays, except for 17th March in Northern Ireland)

  13. Holiday: Mother’s day Sunday (3 weeks before Easter)
    Halloween 31st October ( Pumpkins)
    Guy Fawkes Night 5th November (Fireworks)
    Remembrance Day 11th November
    (Remember died in first & second war at 11am, 2 mins silence)

  14. Sport: No UK team for football & rugby
    Open golf championship
    Grand National horse race

  15. The monarch has the right to select the Archbishop & other senior church officials,
    But usually the choice is made by the “Prime Minister” and “ a committee appointed by the church.”












最早是34,似乎是去年底的时候涨到50,今年秋天估计难免会再涨价,我猜是 72 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


多谢多谢 楼主辛苦 期待继续!




