关于LIFE IN UK考试所带的证件问题

简单说来,就是我结婚后该了夫姓。bank statement和driving licence都是夫姓,但是我BRP上的姓氏没有改(和护照上的姓是一样的)。

现在的问题是我要考LIFE IN UK,注册时只让用Biometric Residence Permit登记,所以我就写了BRP卡上的原名。后来发现其实考试的时候还需要带一样类似地址证明的东西,例如:驾驶证或银行月结单。

现在问题就出来了,bank statement和driving licence是夫姓的,要紧吗?考试那天我需要加带我的结婚证明吗?




刚才谷歌搜了下 找到答案了 贴出来给需要的人做参考吧

Can I take my test in my married name if the ID I registered with has my maiden name on it?

If you are registering to take the test in your married name but your ID has your maiden name on it, you will only be allowed to take the test if you also bring with you a UK Marriage Certificate. Without this, you will be unable to take the test and your test fee will not be refunded.

If you do not have a UK Marriage Certificate, you should use enter your details as they are contained in the identification you wish to use.