急问下local search和indemnity insurance的问题

麻烦大家,现在在做search的阶段,因为是new build homes,律师也是developers的律师,今天收到信说这个是没有local search的,但是为了满足lender可以买一个30多磅的indemnity insurance,如果我们要做一个new search也可以 就是60多好像。
因为有28天的exchange时间,现在就还剩2周啦~不知道fresh local search还有那个indemnity insurance什么区别啊?是不是应该坚持要一个新的local search?


Dislike half Chinese half English words…

You spend money to employ a solicitor to do the job for you. They should give you proper legal advices. If anything goes wrong, you can sue them and they have professional insurance to cover for it.

If you take any people’s view from this forum, you do not have any redress if anything goes wrong.

我也是刚买新房子,没做过indemnity insurance,local search要做的,但是在交房前做好就行,不急着exchange前就一定要做好。我们做的140英镑,估计不同区不一样。