London Metropolitan University 一个帖子,上来说说神马情况

下面一堆是在正式消息没出来之前写的。 喝喝,我现在对Times 的新闻的真实性有加分哦。Theresa May 说这大学是 a thread to immigration control, 嗯,好大的帽子,不过不管怎么说保守党的目的是达到了。保守党说了要把英国每年移民的数量控制在万的单位,而不现在十万的单位; 而他们把学生签证也算在这immigration control 里了! 就是说要来杀鸡给猴看,让你看看我的厉害。 Londonmet本来就是一堆麻烦和问题,正好碰到她的枪口上了,关了Londonmet正好变成了她的政绩,对两年后的大选很有用滴。 可以说Londonmet 是成了一场政治游戏中的牺牲品。

再说说这可怜的大学里的可怜的外国学生吧. 我觉得咱们中国人在这大学上学的比较少。 有同学现在在这大学上学的话就赶快申请其它学校吧。 Londonmet 和UKBA, 还有Higher Education Funding Council 会想尽量办法帮同学的转学的。 我觉得UKBA的意思是针对这大学不是针对在好好上学的外国学生。不过,要是你正拿着这学校的签证而不在好好上学的话,那就自己想该干嘛干嘛去吧。


咳咳, 上来说一句,因为我对这个大学还是有了解的。 这个学校大概是最多有色人种学生的学校了,好像超过80%都不是白人学生。 bbc中文网站上说Theresa May已经决定要cancel 这学校T4的执照了,请注意这是bbc中文从Sunday Times 上转来的news, bbc 中文的标题如下:


请问有没有人自己上Sunday Times去看看这新闻的原文呢? 我反正是上不去,因为要付费。


‘Claims that Theresa May, the home secretary, had already decided to end the university’s power to sponsor visas, made in the Sunday Times (paywall), have been denied by ministers. But the university says there is a “growing £10m hole” in its balance sheet because of investigations by the agency. A final decision on the university’s future is expected this week.’

大致就是说Theresa May要取消执照的消息已经被议员们否定了,但是这个礼拜home office会给个最后的决定的。 那么我们就看这个礼拜这可怜的大学的命运吧。

我对bbc 中文有点不齿是因为他拿了别人news(Sunday Times) 断章取义来乱翻译,是为了博个眼球么? bbc什么时候也变得那么cheap了?

再说说Sunday Times, 他的主人好像是默多克吧? 那么关于默多克怎样run他的另一家报纸(news of the world)的新闻想来大家知道的都很多吧。 英国的报纸也分个左右派的,Sunday Times是什么派呢?

看到下面有个好心的mm把Times的新闻原文贴出来了。 靠,难道Sunday Times也偷听人家Theresa May的电话了? 那么详细的detail都说出来了{:5_138:}


我觉得这个大学的命运也悬。 {:5_129:} 我只是不满bbc 中文这种报道方式,有很多海外学子都看bbc的网站,有点儿misleading呀

:cn08:前段时间因为要考LIFE IN THE UK,所以看了些那书上的内容。。


sunday times 原文
A CONTROVERSIAL university is to become the first in Britain to be stripped of its right to educate foreign students after the Home Office branded it “a threat to immigration control”.

The decision to revoke the licence of London Metropolitan University (LMU) to sponsor visas means about 2,600 students from outside the European Union will have 60 days to find places on courses at other institutions or be ordered out of the country.

Theresa May, the home secretary, is notifying David Cameron of her decision this weekend. Her officials have identified so many failings at LMU that the authorities no longer trust it to ensure that its foreign students do not become illegal immigrants.

An audit this month by the UK Border Agency, the contents of which have been obtained by The Sunday Times, found shortcomings including:

■ Students “continuing to study at LMU without valid leave [visas] despite the university having reassured us that this issue had been rectified”.

■ Students being granted visas to enter Britain, but not turning up to enrol on their courses and the university failing to report their non-attendance to the border agency.

■ Failure by the university to test adequately the English ability of foreign students.

■ Failure to assess students’ academic ability and academic records.

A draft of the Home Office’s letter to Cameron states that the university’s licence is being revoked “due to a failure to comply with their sponsor duties and the resulting threat to immigration control”.

Malcolm Gillies, London Met’s vice-chancellor, said last night: “The university is immensely disappointed with this news. It comes after six weeks of suspension during which the university has done everything it could to demonstrate that the current state of its operations warrants continuing HTS [highly trusted sponsor] status, and that a new management has worked to remedy past weaknesses.”

He added: “The effect upon London Met and its partners is immense. This affects not just students intending to join this autumn but also all international students currently enrolled. Their surprise, shock and concern will be huge and we shall work with them to ensure they have the widest range of options to continue their studies, either in the UK or elsewhere.”

A border agency spokesman said: “We do not routinely comment on individual cases. Any education provider has to meet strict standards, ensuring they provide high-quality education and take their immigration responsibilities seriously. We will not tolerate any abuse of the immigration system.”

London Met is entitled to appeal and also to reapply for its licence after six months.

Foreign students have been targeted by the government as it tries to meet a Conservative pledge to cut net immigration. Hundreds of private colleges have closed, many after losing their licences to sponsor visas.

London Met is the first publicly funded university to lose its licence. Two others, Glasgow Caledonian and Teesside, had their licences suspended but then restored.

The cancellation will reverberate across British higher education. Universities UK has been lobbying Cameron to exclude students from the migration target on the grounds that they bring billions of pounds in fees and other spending to the British economy and are a valuable source of skills. It has been doing this by trying to draw a clear line between universities and the questionable practices of many private colleges.

London Met, which has two campuses — one in the City and one in Holloway Road in the north of the capital — has more than 22,000 students, although it has shrunk in recent years. The loss of its licence is likely to have a severe impact on its finances. In 2010-11 about 15% of its £157.8m income came from foreign student fees.

It has been rocked by several crises since it was formed in 2002 from the merger of two universities. In 2009 it was ordered to repay £36.5m to the Higher Education Funding Council for England after overstating its student numbers and wrongly gaining government grants as a result. It was also placed on an official list of universities at risk of financial failure.

The scandal led to the resignation of Brian Roper, then vice-chancellor, and his replacement by Gillies. Earlier this year the university was penalised for over-recruiting students and is expected to have to pay back another £5m-£6m.

As Gillies tries to turn around its fortunes, he has slashed hundreds of courses and pitched tuition fees at an average of £6,850 for this autumn, among the lowest in the country.

Following the suspension of London Met’s licence last month, he told staff and students in a newsletter: “We continue to work with [the border agency] to resolve the issue. We hope to see the suspension lifted later next week.”


英国的报纸也分个左右派的,Sunday Times是什么派呢?

guardian和observer 是 pro lib dems;
mirror是pro labour;
dailymail是众所周知的pro hardcore tory,读者中有很多是tory支持者的housewife们 :L
sun和和dailymail差不多,不过更靠近男性读者 :L;daily star更shallow些 :L
daily express也是偏右但读者性别定位上中性些;
financial times自然是经济上偏右路线,times和sunday times 自然就是社会人文方面偏右的,两者没有dailymail那么极端。

hope this helps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

谁会看BBC 中文网啊?! 我怀疑它就是挂个名字, 跟BBC 都不知道有多大关系, 写的东西都乱七八糟的!!


所以说sunday times 发出这种没经过证实的消息是有他的political agenda滴。 London metropolitan university是一向不被保守党的tories 看好的。早在几年前就提议要关了这家学校了。 让他们这一嚷嚷,不管有的没的,这所学校都要倒霉到家了。




我来。。。发一下今天为止最精准的答案。。- -

大概就是,小女纸苦逼的在某传媒公司上班。。今日自然被逼迫给London M 的press office打了电话


现在叫做 暂停 不叫 吊销


今年申请的目前发不到cas,需要等到决定。。才能发cas…- -

london me的首页有个 press office发出的正式声明


Dear Queenie,

As discussed, please find below a link to the UKBA website, which includes general information for adult students.

Best wishes,


Daniel Lyons | Press Officer


Home Office Press Office

T | 020 7035 3535


The University regrets to announce that as at 8pm on Wednesday 29th August 2012, the UK Border Agency (UKBA) has revoked its Highly Trusted Status for sponsoring international students

:cn09: 哎呀紅屁股原來你是搞傳媒的,我有個朋友想來英國讀傳媒專業的master,能不能給個私人聯繫方式交流下心得~~



只要脸皮厚!像我这种毫无背景的人。。也凑合哈。。- -


:cn14: 。。还以为找到勾搭妹纸的帮手了,,原来。。。你也很凄惨啊。。。








只有我是打酱油的。。- -!

:cn14: 尼玛太可怕了。。。更可怕的是你竟然把这些人全挤掉了。。


我上了一周了,,然后才面试。。- -


:cn01: 有内幕,求爆料