请教一下mortgage,尤其HSBC tracker的APRC

请教一下大家都是做的哪种类型的mortgage阿,fixed还是tracker? 我在HSBC看贷款。tracker的利率是1.74,APRC是1.8 (Annual Percentage Rate of Charge - HSBC说是用来横向比较贷款类型的总体费用的),但是tracker不是根据银行利率浮动的吗,那他现在算出来的1.8怎么能保证30年内平均利率是这个?



Aprc是把mortgage费用(比如product fee)当成利息平均到两年(如果fixed两年)加到利息里折算出来的总利息。track 20年那就平均到20年里。

我看银行的例子是说把full term的所有利息都算上,再加上任何mortgage费用,然后算成整体的APRC。这也是为什么HSBC说APRC是用来对比mortgage费用的?

Representative Example

A repayment mortgage of £146,475 payable over 25 years initially on a fixed rate for 2 years at 3.69% and then on our current variable rate of 3.69% (variable) for the remaining 23 years would require 24 monthly payments of £749 and 276 monthly payments of £749.
The total amount payable would be £224,578 made up of the loan amount plus interest (£78,103), booking fee (£0), completion fee (£0) and valuation fee (£0).
In this example, the overall cost for comparison is 3.8% APRC representative.

fixed rate 结束以后你可以remortgage再选fixed rate的



我家tracker, 个人觉得很合适,尤其手里有多余的钱可以多还贷没有上限,现在利息这么低,tracker挺值的。如果基本利息涨了再换其他也不晚啊