最近看到很多消息说所有公寓都需要有EWS1证书 银行才会给你批款,我最近收到Mortgage offer了,但从没有注意过EWS1的事情,请问这是否需要向卖方那边要这个证书?
这是Home buyer report上面提到的:The walls are built in concrete which has been clad externally with brick, cladding and render and lined internally with block work and this type of structure is known as a reinforced concrete frame. The walls are partly smooth rendered. The walls are partly clad. The external walls have been constructed with a clad system, with several concealed parts such as cavity barriers, fixings and insulation. We are aware that the wall system has been inspected on behalf of the building owner/factors in terms of fire safety and deemed to be of a low risk and we refer you to our comments in Section I.
It is understood that the External Wall System and any attachments (if applicable) for the subject block have been subject to a review from a suitably qualified independent professional adviser (e.g. a fire engineer or construction professional who is a member of a relevant professional body within the construction industry) and the block was found to be compliant.
Your legal adviser should confirm that the relevant documentation is satisfactory, that no outstanding works are required, and that no costs are to be incurred for any current / proposed / previous cladding-related works.
In considering the property’s value, surveyors, your mortgage lender (if applicable) and the mortgage lender’s appointed valuer (where applicable) may rely in good faith on the EWS1 form provided by a professionally qualified third party. The third party is however unlikely to accept liability to the lender, any valuer, or to you for any losses or potential losses arising from reliance upon the EWS1 form. Any concerns should be referred to your legal adviser.