请教下各位关于T2 new entrant的问题。
我个人情况是T2 dependant,今年参加公司的Graduate recruits拿到的offer,年龄 > 26,去年从中国国内毕业,之前没有在英国工作过,目前公司的salary和milkround也满足条件。
我查阅过官方的文档,关于new entrant的说明大概如下
The lower pay threshold for new entrant employees is set at the 10th percentile of the pay distribution for full-time employees in that occupation. The new entrant thresholds apply to:
Graduates switching into Tier 2 (General) within the UK from the student route or Tier 1 (Post-Study Work);
Graduate recruits where you have used a university “milkround” to satisfy the Resident Labour Market Test;
Graduates sponsored in the Intra-Company Transfer Graduate Trainee route; and
Workers making a Tier 2 application who are aged 25 or under on the date they apply.
(1) 我这种情况能否以new entrant形式申请T2 general?
(2) 如果可以的话,有没有时间要求,比如必须要在milkround之后几个月内申请才算new entrant?