我研究生刚毕业,term time是从2010年9月到2011年9月。
但是我从8月份开始就找了一份trainee的工作,是full-time但不是permanent job。
HM Revenue & Customs 上说:
If you’re an international student you may be allowed to work here when you’re studying.
If you have a student visa you can work here:
-outside term time
-up to 20 hours a week during term time (but you can work more than 20 hours if the work is part of your course or is an internship)
但是Home Office 上说:
You are allowed to:
-do part-time work during term time (see below);
-do full-time work during vacations;
-do a work placement as part of your course;
-work as a postgraduate doctor or dentist on a recognised Foundation Programme; and
-work as a student union sabbatical officer for up to 2 years.