


1. 申请人将需要给更长时间的结婚通知(notice)。这个时间从现在的15天变成28天。也就意味着从结婚通知,最早28天之后才能在当地注册中心登记结婚。
2. 如果申请人其中一方是非欧盟人士,持有签证或者逾期逗留在英国,那么这个结婚通知时期将可能被延长到70天。在此期间,移民局可能会进行调查,已决定此婚姻是否真实。
3. 去登记中心登记,需要提供护照等身份证明,地址证明。

5. Foreign nationals
You or your partner need a visa if either of you are from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and subject to immigration control to:

give notice
get married or enter a civil partnership
This includes people who don’t normally need visas for general visits (unless you’re already in the UK).

Once in the UK (or if you’re already in the UK), you and your partner must give at least 28 days’ notice at a designated register office if both the following apply to either of you:

you’re from outside the EEA or Switzerland
you’re subject to immigration control
The process is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

When your notice period can be extended

Your notice period can be extended to 70 days if you or your partner:

are from outside the EEA or Switzerland
have limited or no immigration status in the UK
don’t give the registrar enough evidence to show you’re settled in the UK

You’ll be told within 28 days if your notice period will be extended.

The registrar will tell you if this applies to you and your proposed marriage or civil partnership will be referred to the Home Office for investigation. You may be interviewed by the Home Office or asked for more information as part of the investigation.

You must comply with the investigation or you won’t be allowed to get married or form a civil partnership.

You’ll have to give notice again once the investigation is finished and you’re still allowed to get married in the UK.


don’t give the registrar enough evidence to show you’re settled in the UK最后这个是说只要一方不是settlement, 还是要两方都是settlement?

这国家结个婚这么麻烦, 我理解他们要调查真实性,但是您效率能不能跟上啊。



比起美国,英国的结婚已经很简单了,没有过分的隔离interview,也很少有听说隔三差五有移民局上门抽查访问,而且多数dependent visa还可以全职工作,不像美国H1 B的伴侣需要自己取得可以工作的签证。

