前前后后三个多月律师终于搞定outstanding enquiries, 让我去他们office。。。还有多久能交房

北伦敦一室一厅的flat从接受offer到拿到贷款,再到搞定enquiries 前期后后拖了三个多月。今天终于收到律师的信

I write to advise that subject to receiving satisfactory replies to some outstanding enquiries, I am now in a position to report to you on title. I should be obliged if you would contact me in order to make a mutually convenient appointment to come to the office.

When attending your appointment, you should bring your passport together with a photocard driving licence or utility bill not more than 3 months old, so as I may carry out the necessary identity check on behalf of your mortgage company. Please arrange the deposit in the sum of 10% by way of a direct bank transfer to my firms client account , details of which are attached.

今天收到这个信他们就下班了,电话都打不通,每次都是在下班前给我发email,有一次发完直接休假去了,真是气死我了。算了不想吐槽了,总之在最近对中介和律师的不停催促下才把outstanding enqiries 搞定。



1 房子是我和LG一起贷款买的,虽然律师一直是我在联系,为什么只叫我去他们办公室做identity check 呢?

2 银行之前给我们批的贷款协议是deposit 25% 贷款75% 。为什么要求我们付10%,这是房款是定金吗,定金不是在交合同的时候才交吗?

3 现在我们的交房日期还没定,如果一切顺利交房日期最快一般什么时候能够定下来,一个月之内能搞定吗?




你和老公两人要一起去做identity check,也有可能你老公信息在electron registry那里可以查到他们觉得可以了。

report on title他要当面和你们谈,这个还不错,大部分律师就是寄report给客户自己看,按照email字面理解可能还有一些enquiries没有搞定,但可能不多也不重要了。

让你们交10%的话应该是差不多可以exchange contract了,exchange control以后买卖双方就不能反悔了,exchange到completion一般是两个星期,具体什么时候completion买卖双方定。

你们和律师谈以后,让律师和对方商定什么时候exchange和什么时候complete,如果你们对report满意(可以拿回家慢慢研究),在约定的exchange date上午把10%到达律所帐户,exchange完以后律师会告诉你们exchange成功并且会给你一份帐单里面告诉你们还需要交给律师多少钱,这包括购房余款(你们的情况就是15%)律师费以及stamp duty,约定的completetion那天上午你们把这些钱转到律所帐户,completion结束律师打电话告诉你们,你们就可以找中介拿key了。


感谢成龙大哥的回答。 那封信是他们模板所以it doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything outstanding.

把律师的回信贴在这里 供大家学习和参考

finger crossed 希望能快点拿到钥匙:)

  1.   You have not sent the bank details for me to transfer in the previous email. 

Apologies for the error, please find our bank details attached

  1.   Why do we transfer a deposit of 10% of the sum? Our bank agrees a mortgage with 25% deposit, as you can see from the mortgage agreement letter. Do we transfer the rest deposit in another occasion?

In order to exchange, a 10% deposit is required, the balance is payable upon completion

  1.   As you mentioned, ‘satisfactory replies to some outstanding enquiries’, have all the remaining outstanding enquiries been met? How many are still left? How long will it take approximately? 

This is a standard letter that we sent out and doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything outstanding. Your transaction is at the point where I can report to you for you to decide if you wish for me to pursue anything further for you with the sellers solicitors and we can discuss these at our meeting

  1.   I asked my other buyers, they don’t even have a meeting with solicitor in person. Do you charge extra for this appointment? 


  1.   My husband and I are buying this property together, why only me was asked to come for the identity check? Not two persons together? 

The letter should have referred to both of you, I will have our systems updated to refer to you both. If you could both please come to the appointment with your ID also

  1.   Is there a completion date added on the contract? If there is none, can I impose one? Then we will add it as 27-30 November, if possible.

A completion date is agreed upon exchange and we will push for the date that you would like.





Id check是正常手续啊,基本就是让下属处理一下就好

我也只有跟律师发飙后,才会认真的回复我。 你的律师不错了

拿个银子 :cn08:



Are you sure outstanding enqiries 搞定了?Do you understand English?

哈哈,是的啊。。人家说的是subject to