我本科在英国读了1年,然后硕士一年。 之后申请到PhD拿到4年签证。 悲剧的是在读Phd pathway 阶段fail-withdraw了,按照学校规定28天内回国。 我这个情况可以在申请MBA读吗?UKBA规定签证不能降一级签 ,可是我现在是在Mphil 之前就faiL了。 有机会成功吗 ?
根据规定看来是无望了啊,可是我并没有学习Phd 这个算吗
If you have previously studied in the UK under Tier 4 (General) or under the student rules that were in force before 31 March 2009,
your Tier 4 Sponsor cannot assign a CAS to you on or after 4 July 2011 unless:
your new course represents academic progress from your previous study; or
you are re-sitting examinations or repeating modules; or
you are making a first application to move to a new institution to complete a course that you started elsewhere.
For example, you can be assigned a CAS to study for a new qualification at a higher academic level than your previous UK course, or to study for a qualification that complements or enhances your previous studies at the same level.
MM 你不可以读mba了 可以试试换个学校读phd。 mphil 和phd 在签证里面是同一个levle8 一般大学读phd的第一年都叫mphil 考核过了 继续读phd。
你好,我也是博士一年新生,请问第一年的pathway那么容易fail吗?如果是fail withdraw那是到什么程度?
如果你真的做研究 好好准备答辩 不会fail你的 如果fail了就写个论文让你mphil毕业 其实你还是硕士, 只是在ukba系统里算你读过phd了 因为是同个level 有考虑5年限制。
谢谢师姐,看到fail-withdraw感觉好恐怖,我一月有panel, 真心希望不要有闪失