楼主1月开始的PHD,但是同时也拿到了自己心仪的一家公司的offer, PHD不想读了想直接转T2签证。我已经确定RLMT可以免除,但是转T2签的问题还不是很清楚。
GOV.UK 的原文是 Switch from a Tier 4 visa
You can switch to this visa from a Tier 4 visa if you have an eligible qualification from a licensed tier 4 sponsor. They must have sponsored your visa to study for that qualification.
The eligible qualifications are:
a UK bachelors degree
a UK masters degree
a postgraduate certificate in education
a professional graduate diploma of education
PhD students
You must have completed at least 12 months’ study for your PhD during your most recent stay in the UK and had permission to take the qualification.
上面这一段是从这里得到得 https://www.gov.uk/tier-2-general/switch-to-this-visa 意思好像是PHD学生即使已经拿到了英国本硕学历,还是得等12个月。
但是我查了下更详细得条款,https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/606182/Tier_2_Policy_Guidance_04_17.pdf 第29页 这儿写的是
you have successfully completed and passed a UK recognised bachelor’s or master’s degree; or UK Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or Professional Graduate Diploma of Education (PGDE); or you have completed a minimum of 12 months’ study in the UK towards a UK PhD during your last grant of leave or period of continuous leave which includes your last grant of leave