急求帮助:PhD签Tier2 英语证明


  1. 请问PhD如果签Tier2的时候还没有Certificate或者award的信,那个证明已经学习超过12个月的信能作为英语证明吗?
  2. 是不是如果PhD毕业了,在拿到certificate之前拿到了学校出的award的信, 这个信就能同时作为英语的证明了?



才知道申请T2原来要语言证明 :o 受教了。


97. The specified evidence you must provide to demonstrate you meet this requirement is:

  1. your original certificate of award. This must be your original certificate (not a copy)
    and must clearly show:
    • your name;
    • title of the qualification; and
    • the name of the awarding body.
    We will not accept provisional certificates.
    If the certificate has yet to be issued, you will be unable to provide the original certificate
    of award. In these circumstances, you must provide:
  2. an original academic transcript or an academic reference on official headed
    paper from the institution at which you studied towards your eligible qualification.
    It must have been issued by an authorised official and must confirm:
    • your name;
    • title of the qualification;
    • date of the award ;
    • the body awarding the qualification;
    • the reason why you are unable to provide your original certificate of award; and
    • that the certificate will be issued.


I did attend an IELTS test …

Ah, BTW, that was coz I did really graduate at the time starting my job …


  • 如果你签证时没有certificate或award信,理论上说是不可以作为英语证明的。因为12个月的enrollment 信不能证明你会成功获得相关certificate。
  • 如果有了award信,就可以作为英语证明了。
  • 请问楼主本科或者研究生是不是在英国读的?本科或研究生学位的certificate也可以作为语言证明的。
  1. 应该不行
  2. 可以

我11年2月签的时候用07年2月的雅思成绩,在cover letter里面解释了一下目前博士在读 一直努力提高英语水平啥的

phd的中文水平怎么会是这样啊, 真纳闷!