PhD 也是有签证时间限制的?


where you are studying an acceptable Post-Graduate research qualification which is being studied at and awarded by a Recognised Body or an HEI, providing that on completion of this course, the time spent studying in the UK at or above degree level will not exceed 8 years. If, by the time you complete your Post-Graduate Research qualification, the time you have spent studying in the UK at or above degree level exceeds 8 years, then we will not grant you any further leave in this category.

PhD 或研究型学位课程包括在内不能超过8年. 所以如果之前的学生签证一直是在 degree level 之上, 已经有个6,7年的话, PhD 签证就肯定下不来了? 求大师解惑 = =


Tier 4 time limits
Is there a time limit on studying with a Tier 4 Visa?

There is now a limit on how long a person can hold a Tier 4 visa. The limit depends on your level of study.

For courses below degree level, you cannot study in the UK on a course which leads to a qualification below degree-level for more than 3 years in total as a Tier 4 (General student). Limited exceptions apply to this.

For courses at degree level or above, any new Tier 4 application must not lead to you spending more than five years at this level. All the time you have spent in the UK under Tier 4 (or as a pre-Tier 4 student) counts towards the 5 years, except for the short extra time you are given before and after a course.

There are some exceptions to the 5-year limit:

if you have successfully completed a UK degree course which was at least four years long, and your Tier 4 application is to study a Master’s degree at a higher education institution (recognised body or institution in receipt of public funding), the limit is six years.
if your Tier 4 application is to study a PhD at a higher education institution, there is no limit while you are studying the PhD.
if you have already completed a PhD, any new Tier 4 application is subject to an 8-year limit (including courses below degree level).
courses in architecture, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and science, or music at a conservatoire, are exempt from the limit.
if you have completed a UK degree, and your current Tier 4 application is to study certain legal qualifications (CPE, GDL/LPC or BPTC), the legal qualification is exempt from the limit
The UK Border Agency will not grant further leave to someone whose current Tier 4 application means they will exceed these limits, unless there are “compelling and compassionate circumstances”, such as injury or disability.

If you require further information, please visit the UKCISA website.

非常感谢指教 :wink:

我还有一个相关的问题, 因为我的 PSW 签证到期之后离10年只差4个月, 如果在签证到期之间离开英国回国, 在6个月之内从国内签 PhD T4 学生签再进入英国境内, 这样子的话10年是否还是延续的? (看了些 notes 觉得应该是这样, 但是还是想得到大师们的指点)

因为学校申请还在进行中, 所以不敢保证最后的结果一定是好的. 如果是直接申请 PR, 那么是不是肯定见光死啊? 因为听说过不少非常夸张的案例 (这个问题略微跑题…)

Make sure you submit the application (student visa) before your current visa (PSW) is expired. Otherwise, you will have a gap, which probably is a big deal.