




这个问题如果你是PhD都读了的话,我想查这个资料的能力应该是具备的吧?Home Office网站上、新闻中都能查得到的啊。

哈哈,刚刚发现学校的网站上就有,那就看看有没有已经申请成功的人分享一下经验吧{:5_137:} 顺便撒撒银子








目前在办理这个签证。貌似是叫New Doctorate Extension Scheme。下面是我查到的一些信息,希望对你有用。

As the scheme is under Tier 4, you will have to apply for the additional 12 months before you complete your studies - ideally up to 60 days before (The completion date will be the date you are expected to receive your results in writing).

When you can apply
If your university or college is happy to support your application under the doctorate extension scheme, it must assign you a Tier 4 confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS). It cannot assign the CAS until you are within 60 days of the expected end date of your course. It cannot assign you a CAS after it has confirmed that your doctorate has been awarded.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme clearance

The Home Office considers that you must apply for Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) clearance if the study for your doctorate required ATAS clearance. This is because you have not yet fully completed your study when you apply. However, as you will have completed all research, the application for clearance should be processed quickly. It is important that you state on your application for ATAS clearance that you will be making a Tier 4 application under the doctorate extension scheme and that all your research has been completed. You should provide details of the research you have already completed. You need to obtain ATAS clearance before:

your current immigration permission expires and
your doctorate is formally confirmed as awarded and
the “expected end date” on your CAS, if you have already been assigned a CAS.
You can find more information about ATAS and apply for clearance at:


Expected end date

The “expected end date” is defined in the Immigration Rules as “the date the PhD is expected to be formally confirmed, by the sponsor, as completed to the standard required for the award of a PhD”. It is often very difficult to know this date in advance and most Tier 4 sponsors will not be able to set this date until you have had your viva. At this point, it should become clear how much further work and time is required before your doctorate will be awarded.

This definition was not included in the Immigration Rules until 6 April 2013, and in many cases it will be different from the date which was included in your CAS for study for a doctorate. Your Tier 4 sponsor might have originally used an earlier date, for example, the date on which you were expected to submit your thesis or attend your viva. See below for information about what to do if your current immigration permission will expire before the expected end date under this new definition.

When to make your application

You can apply under the doctorate extension scheme after your Tier 4 sponsor has assigned a CAS for this scheme and after you have received Academic Technology Approval Scheme clearance, if you are required to apply for it. You must apply before the expected end date on the CAS. You must also make a valid application before your current immigration permission expires. Remember that you must have held your funds for 28 days or longer before the date of your application so you need to plan ahead and make sure that the level of your funds does not go below the minimum required level at any time during this 28-day period.

It is extremely important that you check that you complete the application fully, provide all relevant information and documents, including the correct fee, attend your biometrics appointment and provide photographs in the specified format. If you fail to meet any of these requirements, your application will be rejected as invalid. If this happens after your current immigratoin permission has expired, you will no longer have current leave. This means you will not be able to apply at all under this scheme.

For detailed information about making a Tier 4 application, seek advice and help from your international student adviser and see our Information Sheet:

Making a Tier 4 (General) application

Your immigration permission expires before your expected end date

If your current immigration permission will expire before your expected end date, you must talk to the international student adviser at your institution as a matter of urgency. You might have to make another Tier 4 student application before you can apply under the doctorate extension scheme. But remember that you cannot make your doctorate extension application after your expected end date has passed, even if you are still waiting for a decision on your Tier 4 student application. You will need help and advice to manage this situation.

If your expected end date is no more than 60 days after the expiry of your leave, your Tier 4 sponsor might be able to assign you a CAS for the doctorate extension scheme so you can apply under this scheme without first having to apply as a Tier 4 student. You need to discuss this with your Tier 4 sponsor as early as possible.

Your actual completion date is later than your expected end date

If, after your CAS has been assigned, you find out that you are likely to receive confirmation of your award later than the expected end date on the CAS, you can still apply under the scheme as long as you do this before the expected end date and before your current Tier 4 leave expires. However, you will not be able to work without restriction until your award is confirmed. Your Tier 4 sponsor is required to report your actual completion date to the Home Office. You will not be able to apply to extend your immigration permission under this scheme, so you will not be able to spend the full 12-month period working without restriction. Depending on the length of delay before your award is confirmed, you might instead consider applying under Tier 4 as a student, and then after that under the doctorate extension scheme. You cannot apply after the expected end date, so you will probably need a new CAS. You should discuss this as early as possible with your Tier 4 sponsor as it might not be willing to assign a new CAS.

You apply under this scheme but your doctorate is not awarded

Your Tier 4 sponsor is required to let the Home Office know when you complete your course. It is also obliged to notify the Home Office if you fail your course, do not complete it or if you are awarded a qualification that is lower than a doctorate.

If you fail your course or do not complete it, or if you are awarded a lower qualification, your application will be refused if you are still awaiting a decision. You might want to consider withdrawing the application first. If you have already been granted immigration permission under the scheme, the Home Office will cut it short (curtail it). You should seek advice as a matter of urgency if you think this will happen to you.

那个不是工作签证,是属于T4 General的doctorate extension scheme,还是学生签,专门给PHD准备毕业的人延长12个月的签证来找工作或创业的。





嗯,你要跟学校沟通好什么时候可以给你出extension scheme的CAS。


如果签证在毕业预期完成的60天前过期,就必须先续签学生签。但是由于home office办事效率,如果学生签下来的时候,你已经毕业了,那就不能在签这个1年签证。这也是这两天我准备签证的时候发现的。所以申请的时间一定得注意。


我之前一直在弄这个签证,申请表都submitted,后来找到了个tier 2的工作,所以就没有去面签这个tier 4 des了。lz有什么疑问可以问我。

这个签证的确是在tier 4 category下,不过可以full time工作,不受雇主限制。但必须每半年向原学校报告一次