关于planning permission申请咨询

刚收了房子,相对房子进行扩建,考虑到可能需要做planning permission,但是第一次弄,实在摸不到头脑,特上论坛里求救,图纸自己已经画完了,图纸深度应该不担心,自己做了模型和大寒日与冬至日的日照分析。北M25外Hertford,想咨询报规的流程:
2,一般正常的扩建planning permission大概council费用是多少?有一个“householder application”和“full application”有什么区别呢?

被拒可以再申请,如果你和邻居的扩建规模一样的话,permitted plan基本六到八周就下来

借楼主问一下,要是在welwyn garden city, permission 下来了能说一下吗,我也想了解一下,谢谢楼主了。

What type of work falls under permitted development?
You can use these checklists to get a rough idea of whether or not your plans will fall within your permitted development rights.
If you’re not sure whether or not you need planning permission, or you’d like help applying for a lawful development certificate, book in a free consultation call with our friendly team today.
You’re usually within permitted development rights if your single storey extension or conservatory…

Sits to the side (as long as this will not face a highway) or rear of the house (not the front)

Must not extend beyond the rear wall of the existing house by 3m if an attached house or 4m if detached

Uses similar building materials to the existing house

Takes up less than 50% of the size of the land around the original house (“original” being the latest of when the property was built or if it was built before 1948, then as it stood on 1st July 1948)

If a side extension is less than 50% of the width of the original house

Is less than 4m in height (or less than 3m if within 2m of a property boundary)

Has eaves and a ridge that are no taller than the existing house

These are just a few guidelines. There may be more criteria which you need to meet but we can cover that for you with our free phone consultations.
You’re usually within permitted development rights if your loft conversion…
Adds less than 40m3 (cubed) to a terraced house, or 50m3 to a detached or semi-detached house
Uses similar building materials to the existing house
Sits lower or equal to the highest existing part of the roof
A dormer wall that is set back at least 20cm from the existing wall face
Has windows that are non-opening if less than 1.7m from the floor level
Has side windows that are obscured/frosted
You’re usually within permitted development rights if your porch…
Takes up a total ground area less than 3m2
Has a highest point less than 3m
Doesn’t sit within 2m of a property boundary that leads to a road
What building work doesn’t fall under permitted development?
The following projects never fall within permitted development rights:
Raised platforms
Two storey side extensions within 7m of a rear boundary
Extensions with eaves higher than 3m (within 2m of a boundary)
Extensions exceeding 50% of the original land around the original house
Eaves and a ridge of a loft higher than the height of the original house
Extensions over 4m tall or exceeding 50% of the width of the original house
Extensions at the front of the house
Side extensions on designated land
Unobscured side windows above ground floor
Loft windows that can open when positioned less than 1.7m from the floor

一般有vat 注册的建筑公司都可以帮你申请的,可以约几家上门估价然后要求他们一口价包申请多少钱,要不然要分开交还费时间。6–8 个礼拜吧。

找个achitect 这个最好这样,这些问题achitect都会和你讲,自己的话弄到什么时候,也不一定能弄懂

感谢了,好想了解一下,planning permission大概什么费用呢?建筑师如果只是帮着报规,取费会不会低点?因为图纸我自己都画完了





慌也不用慌,这个一步一步走,先permitted plan弄下来再说


只要邻居或者这条街上同样拿到基本性质的permitted plan,你最晚八周拿到


规范这类问题,请了achitect以后他自然会把该做的做好,拿到permitted plan以前可以开始打算材料的费用,因为目前打折的建材很多,有可能省下一部分钱而且买到不错的材料


基本的扩建改建,邻居没有理由拒绝的,项目和项目不同,去council 说道理,去 committee,真要是有利于自己的地产开发还怕一个邻居吗,我们之前挖下去地下3.8米,邻居投诉,给了五千,就搞定了,这种正常的扩建说实话理都不理他
