如题,大家的Postal Order 多久才被划走?
SD3月1寄出去,网上查2号就到了,但是直到今天Postal Order 的钱还没被划走,不是说Postal Order 是最快的么,只有银行过帐神马的会比较慢。。。。。。各种担心和纠结。:Q
用postal order付款的话不用担心清帐的问题。因为如果是以PO来付款的话,HO会在收到你的申请时立即视为付款完成。那你的申请就马上开始排队等caseworker来审理了。
Payment by any other method is not accepted.
You must send the full amount to cover the total cost of your application. If you do not do this, your application will be invalid and will not be considered. We will return your application and part payment to you.
We start considering the application when the payment has cleared. Payments are cleared:
after 5 working days for cheques
after 1 working day for credit or debit cards
immediately for postal orders
也许是因为现在大家都在赶PSW的末班车,包括还在上学的full time学生。申请量太大,速度自然那就慢了。加上本来HO速度就比较慢。