我和我妈目前拿PR 我还未满18 可以单独申请入籍吗?

我08来英 今年十月满十八 母上说成年后再申请入籍费用会高不少 请问是不是真的?

。。其实我也没有想好到底要不要入 毕竟以后回国麻烦+心理实在过不去
但是母上催得紧 曰趁现在便宜不趁早办了以后变贵你就自己出钱!:L

还有就是入不入国籍会不会影响到我将来申请上大学的studen loan?



There are seven requirements you need to meet before you apply:

you are aged 18 or over; and


对于申请student loan,只要你是settle 在英国的,也就是有永居,这个是没有问题的。

Are you eligible for student finance?
Whether you qualify for student finance depends on your personal details and the details of your course and university or college. These include:
where you live
your university or college
your course
whether you’ve studied before
your age

Where you live
To qualify for student finance as a student from England, you will need to meet all of the residence requirements. Generally, on the first day of the academic year in which your course starts, you must:
be a UK national or have ‘settled status’ in the UK (under the terms of the Immigration Act 1971)
be ‘ordinarily resident’ in England
have been ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for the three years immediately before starting the course - and not wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education
Students who are settled in the UK may also be eligible if they have exercised a right of residence in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland before returning to the UK to study.
‘Settled status’ means that there are no immigration restrictions on how long you can stay in the UK.
You’re ‘ordinarily resident’ in England if it’s where you normally live, even if you live abroad on a temporary basis. If you move from England with your family overseas due to an armed forces posting you’re also considered ‘ordinarily resident’ in England.
But this doesn’t cover all circumstances - even if you don’t meet these criteria, you may still qualify for student finance.


非常感谢前辈详尽的回复! 费心了