PR 申请入籍,听说要等一年?



You must be free from immigration time restrictions when you apply for naturalisation. Unless you are married to or the civil partner of a British citizen, you should have been free from immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months of the residential qualifying period.

Immigration time restrictions

You must be free from immigration time restrictions when you apply for naturalisation. Unless you are married to or the civil partner of a British citizen, you should have been free from immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months of the residential qualifying period.

If you are free from immigration time restrictions, there will probably be a stamp or sticker in your passport saying that you have indefinite leave to enter or remain or no time limit on your stay. But you may have a letter from the Home Office saying that you are free from immigration conditions. See The documents we require for naturalisation applications for details of how to prove you are free from immigration time restrictions.

We have discretion to allow applications from people who do not meet this requirement. For details of how we apply discretion, you should read annex B to chapter 18 of the nationality instructions.


You must be free from immigration time restrictions on the day you make your application. This often means having already gained settled status before you make your citizenship application. How and when you are eligible for settled status will depend on the immigration category you were in and successfully meeting its requirements for indefinite leave to enter or remain. For example spouses and civil partners of British citizens who must complete a 5 year probationary period under Appendix FM would generally have the opportunity to apply for naturalisation on this basis once they complete the 5 year period and obtain indefinite leave to remain provided they can also meet the other requirements of naturalisation at that time.



必然要等一年啊 你拿PR的时候给你的那封信上面写的清清楚楚



[quote=“ppkkppkk, post: 4, topic: 2423087”]
ppkkppkk 发表于 2014-1-15 23:09
如果我的伴侣有国籍,但是我的永居是靠自己拿的不是靠伴侣,我是否可以通过伴侣直接申请国籍呢? …[/quote]



There are seven requirements you need to meet before you apply:

you are aged 18 or over; and
you are of sound mind; and
you can communicate in English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic to an acceptable degree; and
you have sufficient knowledge of life in the United Kingdom; and
you are of good character; and
you are the husband, wife or civil partner of a British citizen; and
you meet the residential requirements; or
your husband, wife or civil partner is in Crown or designated service outside the United Kingdom.
Residential requirements

In order to demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation you need to:

have been resident in the United Kingdom for at least three years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and
have been present in the United Kingdom three years before the date of your application; and
have not spent more than 270 days outside the United Kingdom during the three-year period; and
have not spent more than 90 days outside the United Kingdom in the last 12 months of the three-year period; and
have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the three-year period.
Start of the residential qualifying period

The residential qualifying period will be worked out from the day we receive your application. Most unsuccessful applications fail because the applicant was not present in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the residential qualifying period. You must make sure you meet this requirement before you make your application. For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002.

You cannot count time you have spent in the United Kingdom while exempt from immigration control as part of the residential qualifying period. If you are in the United Kingdom as a diplomat or as a member of visiting armed forces or if you are in any place of detention, you would be considered exempt from immigration control. This time would be treated as absence from the United Kingdom.

Immigration time restrictions

You must be free from immigration time restrictions on the day you make your application. This often means having already gained settled status before you make your citizenship application. How and when you are eligible for settled status will depend on the immigration category you were in and successfully meeting its requirements for indefinite leave to enter or remain. For example spouses and civil partners of British citizens who must complete a 5 year probationary period under Appendix FM would generally have the opportunity to apply for naturalisation on this basis once they complete the 5 year period and obtain indefinite leave to remain provided they can also meet the other requirements of naturalisation at that time.



如果partner已经是国籍了, 我的还用等吗?

:cn06: 我不是已经写了吗,配偶是英籍,不需要等永居后一年,但是要在英国合法居住满3年,并且满足其它的入籍条件。都列的很清楚了。。。


How and when you are eligible for settled status will depend on the immigration category you were in and successfully meeting its requirements for indefinite leave to enter or remain. For example spouses and civil partners of British citizens who must complete a 5 year probationary period under Appendix FM would generally have the opportunity to apply for naturalisation on this basis once they complete the 5 year period and obtain indefinite leave to remain provided (英文没有逗号,按照小学语文段句方法,这里有个逗号会好点) they can also meet the other requirements of naturalisation at that time.


如何 并且 何时 可以定居 取决于 您曾经的移民类型,和您如何拿到永居的。 比如:您的爱人是英国籍,您就得等5年 根据这个什么Appendix FM 通常5年可以申请国籍并且永久居留了 他们也可以通过其他方法在当时申请入籍。


如果随便你怎么拿的永居,你爱人是国籍,应该就可以马上申请了啊,为什么不这么写呢,这里罗嗦一大串,我知道他们想严谨一点 意思是达到永居要求才能申请国籍,但是也不用写这么麻烦啊。 最开头一句您如何申请国籍得取决于如何拿到永居( indefinite leave to enter or remain), 那怎么表现的呢?

:cn14: 这一段其实只有第一句跟入籍条件有关,就是你说的一句话表达的很清楚了。后面你引用的整个都是说你怎么能拿到永居,就是一个概述,然后列举如果是跟英国人结婚要什么条件,多久能拿永居。你这个完全没看到重点啊。入籍条件就是前面的全部内容和你引用部分前面的一句话。另外永居和入籍是两会事。。。。理论上你的配偶是英籍,你只需要合法居住3年并且拿到永居后就可以直接申请入籍,但是现行移民法英籍配偶想用拿到永居,也要5年了,所以基本上3年这个条件根本用不上了,除非是旧政策下2年获得永居的那种还能享受。



MM 我前天拿到永居 我老公是英籍,我之前已经在英国住了8年了,出入境都是正常 是不是我现在就可以申请永居了,不需要等1年
