
请问各位网友们:如果老公是PR,老婆还没有申请PR,老婆是否可以以老公的名义给孩子申请child benefit呢?如果老婆以老公的名义申请是否会影响老婆将来拿PR呢?我看了一下官方的网站介绍好像是不影响,但我不但确定,所以上来问问各位确认一下,不想得不偿失。
俺个人的理解觉得可以,但还是觉得来这里确认一下好。一下是官方对child benefit的说明。
About Child Benefit
Child Benefit can be paid to people bringing up:
• a child under the age of 16
• a young person up to the age of 20, if they are in full-time, non-advanced education or approved training
When to claim Child Benefit
You should claim Child Benefit as soon as:
• your baby is born and registered (babies born in the UK need to be registered at the register office)
• a child comes to live with you
• you adopt a child – if you’re in the process of adopting a child, apply for Child Benefit as soon as the
child comes to live with you
Who should claim Child Benefit?
You should fill in this claim form if you are responsible for a child. You do not need to be the parent of the child
and you may be entitled to Child Benefit even if the child does not live with you. Only one person can receive
Child Benefit for a child. If you or your partner already get Child Benefit, the same person normally claims for
any new children.
If you are bringing up children you may not be working or paying a National Insurance contribution. If you get
Child Benefit for a child under the age of 12 you will receive weekly National Insurance credits to protect your
future entitlement to the basic State Pension and the State Second Pension.
If you are a couple and one of you works and pays National Insurance contributions and the other one stays
at home to care for the child, the person who is not working could protect their State Pension by claiming
Child Benefit.
You can claim Child Benefit no matter how much you earn or have in savings.
If you or your partner have an individual income of £50,000 a year or less, you will not be affected by the following
even if both of your incomes add up to more than £50,000.
