孩子在我永居前英国出生, 可以给孩子办理pr???????


不知道你们有没有谁用过李尔王的移民服务? 今天咨询了下怎么给在国内孩子办理签证的问题. 他们说可以给我在国内的孩子直接申请PR. 可我们孩子是在母亲pr前 在英国出生的. 现在母亲pr, 父亲是spouse visa. 我怎么觉得孩子不可以申请pr呢. 可李尔王的人说可以, 他们办理过很多这样的案例. 求有经验, 办理成功过的大神们 给个指点.


在 UKBA 网页



在英国境内肯定可以直接办PR,引用的是移民法规第八章第 305条,专门适用于在英国出生的宝宝。在中国办理的具体情况不太清楚,但应该也可以。


发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


305-306条包括了 Leave to Enter and Remain,也就是说在英国境内外都能办。306条具体说明如果孩子的父母在英国签证有效期长短不同,只要父母英国没有分居,孩子签证的有效期将和父母双方签证有效期较长的相同,也就是说一方有永居,孩子也能有永居。这么办的人较少,因为通常就直接给在英国出生的宝宝办英国护照和入籍了,所以不是所有的Case Worker都熟悉或清楚这两条的正确理解,移民律师那里众说纷纭也是很正常的。


孩子不可以直接拿PR,因为出生时候父母双方没有一个是Pr.孩子可以拿像爸爸一样的签证,不同的是爸爸是妈妈的sponsor visa,孩子就拿爸爸的sponsor visa。等爸爸拿到pr的时候,孩子就可以一起拿pr了。



  1. The requirements to be met by a child born in the United Kingdom who is not a British Citizen who seeks leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom as the child of a parent or parents given leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom are that he:
    (i) (a) is accompanying or seeking to join or remain with a parent or parents who have, or are given, leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom; or
    (b) is accompanying or seeking to join or remain with a parent or parents one of whom is a British Citizen or has the right of abode in the United Kingdom; or
    (c) is a child in respect of whom the parental rights and duties are vested solely in a local authority; and
    (ii) is under the age of 18; and
    (iii) was born in the United Kingdom; and
    (iv) is not leading an independent life, is unmarried and is not a civil partner, and has not formed an independent family unit; and
    (v) (where an application is made for leave to enter) has not been away from the United Kingdom for more than 2 years.

Leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom

  1. A child born in the United Kingdom who is not a British Citizen and who requires leave to enter or remain in the circumstances set out in paragraph 304 may be given leave to enter for the same period as his parent or parents where paragraph 305 (i)(a) applies, provided the Immigration Officer is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 305 (ii)-(v) is met. Where leave to remain is sought, the child may be granted leave to remain for the same period as his parent or parents where paragraph 305 (i)(a) applies, provided the Secretary of State is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 305 (ii)-(iv) is met. Where the parent or parents have or are given periods of leave of different duration, the child may be given leave to whichever period is longer except that if the parents are living apart the child should be given leave for the same period as the parent who has day to day responsibility for him.


的确,因为这样的例子很少,所以很可能连Case Worker都不一定知道该条的正确理解。我知道一个例子就是面签后拿到了 Limited Leave to Remain,随后给Case worker写信解释并要求澄清对法条的理解,结果Case Worker和supervisor商量后澄清了305-306的理解,并且签发了永居,是今年三月底的申请,四月初复活节后写的信,周五寄出,周二收到Case Worker 回复,之后就去换了永居。所以建议楼主在申请前就提前说明并指出305-306条,附上自己认为小孩符合永居条件的理由,可以让 Case Worker 在第一次审理时就能作出正确的理解和决定。

@atubo9 SET(O)

楼主, 情况和一样, 不知道你家孩子现在申请的怎么样了?

谢谢您的回复, 我看了官网, 有18岁以下的pr表格. 可是我咨询了其他移民中介 说是要办理母亲pr的陪伴签证 我好晕啊
