

home office的指示说到要original certificate of award,那么没毕业自然也就办法申请了。


无论是拿毕业证去,还是拿学校信去签PSW, 前提都必须是考试及格,论文及格,学校承认你已经可以毕业了,但有时只是因为毕业典礼时间才耽误了毕业证的颁发…

PSW 是POST -STUDY -WORK, 所以你不完成STUDY 的话是无法申请的。

如果你现在能让那个学校给你开一份信,说明你考试全部通过了,并且论文也通过了,并且将在多久给你award degree,就可以用这份信来申请psw。


没有证书没关系,有证明信也行(前提你毕业了但是在等待证书),证明信要求如下: 你们学校肯定有PSW信的统一模式

If the certificate has yet to be issued, the applicant will be unable to provide the original certificate of award. In these circumstances, the applicant must provide:
an original letter from the institution at ii) which the applicant studied towards his/her eligible qualification. The letter must be an original letter (not a copy), on the official letter-headed paper of the United Kingdom institution at which the applicant studied. It must have been issued by an authorised official and must confirm the:
applicant’s name;•
title of the qualification; •
Date of the award (as defined in paragraph • 79 of these guidance notes);
the body awarding the qualification; •
explain the reason why the applicant is • unable to provide their original certificate of award; and
confirm that the certificate will be issued