大家可能知道,Home Office在2月发布了‘STATEMENT OF INTENT: CHANGES AFFECTING STUDY, POST-STUDY WORK AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS AND WORKERS’。在第10页第一段,写明了‘We will lower the funds required to switch into the main Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) route for this group, from £200,000 to £50,000. We will also apply this lower threshold to migrants who are currently in Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) and have established their own business in the UK.’
我有一个餐馆,很便宜要出售。如果有同学需要一个Established Business,请和我联系。我以前在苹果发过一个帖子说明我有餐馆出售。但是最后把它承包了给别人,现在一年的承包期限快到了,所以需要找到买家。