psw簽轉Entrepreneur visa

我持psw簽,今年10月中到期。我想要申請Entrepreneur visa
請問我如果在9月註冊self-employed,時間上是符合規定的嗎? 因為我還在等我的 Insurance Number,所以還沒跟HMRC沒申請。
d) You must be applying from inside the UK, have leave as a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant, and you were registered self-employed or as a director in the three months prior to the date of application. You must also be engaged in business activity in a graduate occupation, and have access to at least £50,000.

我3個月900磅的生活費從7月5號開始存,而我的psw簽10月19號到期,這樣我10月5 號後寄出申請表。

我要註冊self-employed,我是在ebay做生意,這樣我job title要寫什麼,才符合graduate level啊?


顶。。。 同问。。。我签证12.21 到期。。。