紧急求助!准备申PSW 无毕业证无成绩单,只有学校证明信。连result letter都被SB学校寄回国了

RT, 刚刚毕业,7月份毕业典礼才有毕业证,而且学校也没有正式的成绩单,只有一个result letter,我还没有拿到……唯一就是学校的证明信了,就这种悲惨的情况,能否签到PSW啊?望回答望安慰……

悲催啊,顺便8下我的悲惨遭遇,上周一我就Email管发放result letter的老师说千万别给我寄回中国!给我放在系办我自己去取!然后老师立刻回信说没问题,给你放办公室15号自己去取啊!~我还人品特别好地告诉周围的亲朋好友他们也都纷纷Email了,然后我今天屁颠屁颠地去了,发现发Email的一帮人里只有我没有的拿,然后各种崩溃,更悲催的是居然寄回中国的地址还是错的……然后一下午一直在等那个老师,他别的同事告诉我original的是没了,copy可以有。结果临近下班他回来了果然只给了我一个copy还是黑白的……


What the letter must confirm
This letter must be an original letter (not a copy), on the official letterheaded paper of the United Kingdom institution where you studied and include the official stamp of that institution. It must have been issued by an authorised official of that institution and must confirm:

your name;
the title of the qualification;
the start and end dates of your period(s) of study and/or research for this qualification at the United Kingdom institution; and
the date of award (no more than 12 months before the date of your application).
If the qualification is an HND from a Scottish institution, the letter must also include confirmation that the qualification is at HND level and was studied at a Scottish institution.

Extra information
If you are unable to provide a certificate of award (for example, when the application is made before your graduation), this letter must also include:

details of the body awarding the qualification; and
confirmation that the certificate of the award will be issued.

