PSW转T1 自雇的材料问题,请教达人,急!


Evidence of current registration as self-employed or as a director
113. You should use this for initial applications under section d (see the attributes table for initial applicants) and for section C for extension applications.
Self-employed applicants
114. If you are self-employed when you apply, you must provide evidence that you are paying Class 2 National Insurance contributions. You may also pay Class 4 National Insurance, but we only need to see evidence of Class 2 payments.
115. National Insurance contributions may be paid by quarterly bill or direct debit, or you may have applied for a small earnings exception certificate.
116. You must provide one of the following documents, according to your individual circumstances.
If you receive a National Insurance bill:
You must provide the bill from the billing period immediately before the application. This must be an original document and not a copy.
If your National Insurance is paid by direct debit:
You must provide a copy of your most recent bank statement issued before the application, showing the direct debit payment of National Insurance to HM Revenue & Customs.
If you have very low earnings and have applied for the small earnings exception:You should provide an original small earnings exception certificate issued by HM Revenue & Customs for the most recent return date.

所以我一定要提供一份我已经支付NI的证明。我上个月就寄申请去HMRC要设立direct debit for NI, 但是这周打了两个电话询问,都说系统还没有更新我的信息,不知道收到我的信没有(都是christmas惹的祸)。而且说就算设置好了,我的第一次NI也是due in April,也就是说我现在不需要付任何NI,那我拿什么证明给UKBA呢?





