PSW转Tier 2材料求达人检验+询问最近审理速度+更新2

今天收到HR邮件说assign到我的CoS了,列了CoS里面的职位+工资+labour market test+担保生活费+A rated之类信息,不过没有我的NI号码,要紧吗???
另外需要去UKBA网上填写啥不,HR说啥去submit app form online然后打印cover sheet。

上周二 10月15号寄出 16号签收
今天 10月23收到指纹信 明天准备去录指纹
今天11月7号回家收到一个royalmail的sth for u的卡,家里没人所以收不了这个special delivery,应该是签证结果出来了,明早去邮局拿
上帝保佑希望通过了。 不过真要赞一把这个ukba这次的效率啊!!!


  • Application Form
  • 2 passport size photo
  • passports
  • police registration paper
  • Biometirc residential ID card
  • Master degree certificate (For English Language)
  • 3 month bank statement
  • 3 Payslips with new salary
  • Appointment payment sheet
  • Appointment confirmation

thanks a lot for your reply, can i also ask u is payslip definitely required?

No. It’s not necessary. Just to show my new salary. You don’t have to bring it as the application form didn’t request. XD

wow thanks for your speedy reply, very very helpful indeed.
My CoS does not contain my NI number, i guess that is okay right?
Best of luck for your application, and mine. :slight_smile:

If you are using a premium service I would say no problem at all. Bacuause you can explain to them if the asked.
If you post your application, it won’t be a major problem since your company assigned the CoS without your NI number.
Which can mean the NI number is not necessary information to assign the CoS.
As long as you put your NI number on your application, you should be fine.

Thank you. And when you gonna send out/appointment ?
Wish you luck !

thanks again. HR thinks NI is not necessary either so i guess it should be fine.
I won’t use premium service, a bit costly for me as the application fee is not reimbursable. Think i am gonna post out my pack today after work.
Best of luck to us! :slight_smile:

I see. I booked the appointment only because I need to go home in Xmas.
And it’s already late October. Flight ticket price is sky high…

Don’t forget to share your experience when you received your new visa ! XD

sure i will put another post once i got my new BRP sharing experiences.
I guess i will quit going back to China this year, and travel to Scandinavia for Xmas instead. :slight_smile:

So envy !! That’s the place I would go if I dont have to go home !!!
Anyway, hope you receive your new visa ASAP.




恩 祝你后天面签顺利哦


真是速度啊 面签就是有优势啊 赞一个先!!!

银子不是白花的呀~~~:cn03: :cn08:



又更新状态啦!! UKBA速度让我惊悚了一把啊这次