PSW转Tier 2 General NQF Level6的问题

请问PSW转Tier2现在一定要NQF Level6吗?虽然薪酬和level够了但是如果读硕士之前工作过,那New entrant和experienced的毕业后三年的reference point是哪一个为准?一个23k一个30k还是差很大啊!

是不是如果已经在英国工作只要level 4就可以了? 而且不受20700人头限制?


本来想直接换tier1 general,但是里面关于psw属不属于那四类UKBA没有写清楚,所以previous earning同样的钱积分会差好多,就残念了


psw转算new entrant,而且不受人头限制,抬头我答不了你,最后T1已经关闭首次申请了,不用考虑

谢谢!那个抬头已经改到NQF 6了。早前申请公司资质的时候UKBA系统瘫痪…现在网申又说BRP号码格式不对,完全无语了…ukba是拿生命在坑爹吗


已经通过了哈哈 谢谢

请教您在哪里查到PSW算New Entrant呢?我查Code of Practise发现PSW并没有被算在里面。多谢!

该看Guidance,不是看codes of practice.

有人PSW转投资移民,需要兑换英镑的吗? 需要的可以联系我哦

可我没有在Guidance里看到关于如何确定使用New Entrant或者Experienced工资标准的解释,只看到关于工资标准要参考Code of Practices。如果Guidance里有定义PSW使用New Entrant工资标准的话,请问是在第几页?多谢!

guidance里写了psw转t2获得cos的30分 和T4一样

感谢回复。Guidance里确实有说PSW转T2如有COS的话不需要Market Labour Test就可以获得30分。可是,拿到签证总共需要50分,还需要另外20分的Approperiate Salary。关于这个Salary Guidance里没有提到PSW使用哪个标准的,只写了参考COP。而在COP里PSW没有被列入在New Entrant的范围里。所以我的理解是PSW要用Experienced工资标准。

oh sorry. check this. page 39 term 217. it’s for sponsors, not us.

现在觉得psw好有用啊。至少可以免去labour test和归入new entrants:cn13:

Main Article:
Point 14 (d) :

Where both “new entrant” and “experienced worker” rates are stated in Tables 1 to 5, the “new entrant” rate will only apply if the applicant:

(i) is applying as a Tier 2 (General) Migrant and scores points from the Post-Study Work provisions of Appendix A,

(ii) is applying as a Tier 2 (General) Migrant and scores points from the Resident Labour Market Test provisions of Appendix A, on the basis that his Sponsor has carried out a university milkround,

(iii) is applying as a Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer) Migrant in the Graduate Trainee sub-category, or

(iv) was under the age of 26 on the date the application was made,

and is not applying for a grant of leave that would extend his total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a Work Permit Holder beyond 3 years and 1 month.

The “experienced worker” rate will apply in all other cases.

Appendix A:

Point 78B-(b) : Explain the codition in part (i) above.

Post-Study Work
78B. In order for a Resident Labour Market Test exemption to apply for post-study work:

(a) the applicant must be applying for leave to remain,

(b) the applicant must have, or have last been granted, entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as:

(1) a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant,

(2) a Participant in the International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme),

(3) a Participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme,

(4) a Tier 4 Migrant,

(5) a Student,

(6) a Student Nurse,

(7) a Student Re-Sitting an Examination,

(8) a Person Writing Up a Thesis,

(9) an Overseas Qualified Nurse or Midwife,

(10) a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist, or

(11) a Student Union Sabbatical Officer,


再请教各位一下,关于工作满足NQF6,除了工作所涉及的内容要满足NQF6职位的相关要求,是不是同时一定要有Code of Practice里列的工作头衔?如果工作的内容及薪水满足NQF6其中一个工作的要求,但头衔和Code of Practice里给出的不一样的话,是否可行?多谢各位!