PSW转TIER 2 General 的语言要求


1。 PSW能不能自动归类到无需语言要求的那一类吗?
2。如果不能,当出示英国学校毕业证书时候,除了qualification (degree certificate)以外,必需要transcript吗?还是degree certificate就足以了?
Guidance上的内容我有点晕。 129说需要original certificate of the award。 然后在130说PhD transcript因为特殊性,只要学校出局一封信,而且信的内容要符合132列出的四个重点(这四个重点在original certificate of the award里面都有体现)。
这些内容里并没有提certificate of the award和PhD transcript letter是要都出局还是只出局其中之一就可以。就guidance表述来看,certificate of the award和PhD transcript letter里的主要内容要求是一样的。


Guidance 上是这么写的:

Documents we require as evidence that you hold a degree taught in English

  1. We will not accept original provisional certificates. You must provide the original
    certificate of the award
    unless you are awaiting graduation having successfully completed
    your qualification, or you no longer have the certificate and the institution is unable to
    provide a replacement.
  2. As PhD qualifications are research-based, it may not be possible to produce an
    academic transcript
    . In such circumstances, a letter from the awarding institution will
    be acceptable in the absence of a transcript. This letter should outline the key details
    requested for academic transcripts as below
  3. The original academic transcript must be on the official paper of the awarding institution
    and must clearly show:
    • your name; and
    • the name of the academic institution; and
    • the course title; and
    • confirmation of the award.


只有certificate, 谁没事要求学校给letter啊。预约下周面签,现在找学校要也来不及了。

