PSW 转 Tier 2...Help!!!

我已经在这家公司上班2年了,HR 准备申请COS, 但是我应该属于Tier 2 的哪一个Category ?

• for extensions of leave – where you need to extend the leave for a migrant who is already in the UK working for you and has, or was last granted leave under Tier 2 (General) or as a Work Permit holder; or

• to those switching immigration category – where a person is already in the UK under another immigration category and is eligible to switch into Tier 2 (General) (except those who are in the UK as the dependant of another person who was last granted leave under Tier 4, or as a Student).

我们选了第2个,可是现在又在读多一次,好像应该是第一个!! 今天刚申请,不知道可不可以cancel ,退款,再弄一次?

选2啊, 1是如果你原来是T2签证, 现在续签才选, 而你原来是PSW, 现在是switching category, 选2…

第一个的选择是因为confuse ’ or has a Work permit holder’ , 就纠结了! 而且我又上班2年,就符合了第一句的 where you need to extend the leave for a migrant who is already in the UK working for you ! 完全失去方向。。。



Work Permit是通常所说的老工签,在08年时开始并轨到tier 2 general,现在和igs hsmp t1 g fresh talent psw一样都是历史了。。。