求助!!! 急 PSW转tier 4 general (新的政策)

本人5月14号需要从PSW转签学生签证,今年3月份开始在读ACCA. 但是现在有几个问题很需要帮助,具体如下:


2,由于之前拿的是PSW签证,在PSW之前是3年大学+1年半的研究生(包含毕业论文时间),在新的政策下,是不是我只能学半年的ACCA了?总共时间只能是5年。 由于本人之前已经有8年半的连续签证(6年半的学生+2年PSW,从来没有GAP), 到2013年9月就可以申请PR了,所以如果只能学半年的ACCA这个问题成立,那我接下来的时间该如何申请签证?问过律师,说可以申请20W的投资签证,建议是ACCA签证完成后直接申请这个20W的,然后拖到9月份直接申请PR, 不知道风险大不大。另外这个20W的投资是必须把钱都使用完全么?希望有高人可以指点一下,万分感谢。

3,我现在ACCA学校的CAS LETTER已经拿到,但是只开到2012年12月份,如果我多交几个PAPER的ACCA学费,然后重新申请CAS LETTER,然后把日期COVER到明年9月,那么HOME OFFICE会给你签证到明年9月份么?另外如果我现在把材料寄出去,然后被拒签了,然后回国重新续签回来,算不算一个GAP,因为是拒签后才回国。 又或者我现在就回国,然后在重新签过来,貌似就没有GAP了??各位能否给点建议



  1. 学生签证的最新政策我不太了解,不过据我所知学生签证的全额资金担保并不像PSW一样要存满三个月吧?另外你在英国的其他账户的钱(不包括股票等投资账户)也是可以作为证明的。需要国内资金证明的话,也是按汇率计算过之后越多约好啊。

    1. 不确定你这种情况ACCA算不算进阶的学业,当然最好你一次开够CAS到明年九月,否则分两次申请学生签证只会更加麻烦和风险,因为原则上能让你最后一次申请的学业完成而不受总时间限制。是否算GAP取决于你收到拒签的时候,你现有的签证是否已经过期。如果已经过期才回国,那么从过期日到回国日都有可能被算作非法居留,到回国再次申请成功签证之前都是GAP。











i If the course is at degree level or above, the grant of leave to remain the applicant is seeking must not lead to the applicant having spent more than 5 years in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) Migrant, or as a Student, studying courses at degree level or above unless:

(i) the applicant has successfully completed a course at degree level in the UK of a minimum duration of 4 academic years, and will follow a course of study at Master’s degree level sponsored by a Sponsor that is a Recognised Body or a body in receipt of public funding as a higher education institution from the Department of Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales or the Scottish Funding Council, and the grant of leave to remain must not lead to the applicant having spent more than 6 years in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) Migrant, or as a Student, studying courses at degree level or above; or

(ii) the grant of leave to remain is to follow a course leading to the award of a PhD and the applicant is sponsored by a Sponsor that is a Recognised Body or a body in receipt of public funding as a higher education institution from the Department of Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales or the Scottish Funding Council; or

b the applicant is following a course of study in;

(1) Architecture;[/b]

(2) Medicine;

(3) Dentistry;

(4) Law, where the applicant has completed a course at degree level in the UK and is progressing to:

a. the Common Professional Examination:

b. the Graduate Diploma in Law and Legal Practice Course; or

c. the Bar Professional Training Course.

(5) Veterinary Medicine & Science; or

(6) Music at a music college that is a member of Conservatoires UK (CUK).

(hb) If the applicant has completed a course leading to the award of a PhD in the UK, the grant of leave to remain the applicant is seeking must not lead to the applicant having spent more than 8 years in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) Migrant, or as a Student.[/i]



(iii) the applicant is following a course of study in;

(1) Architecture;

这里用了 is following,是不是表示除非我现在要申请的专业是architecture,不然像我这样已经读完architecture了再转读其他普通专业就不行了??


10年永居还差1年,看来只能申请PHD或是20w商业移民了。6月之后T2要求提高到NQF Level 6,根本就是与graduate无缘了。


From 14 June 2012, applicants under Tier 2 (General) or Tier 2 (Intra company transfer) must have an offer of a job at or above NQF level 6 (or the equivalent in Scotland) if they are:

applying from abroad; or
applying to switch into Tier 2 (General) from a different immigration route.

以建筑行业为例,Architect为NQF6,Architectural Assistant仅为NQF4,毕业生只能从Assistant做起,这不就是说毕业生没资格申请T2么。

楼主 homeoffice说的 5年是今年开始受限制的 你以前读的不算的, 多虑了

If the course is at degree level or above, the grant of leave to remain the applicant is seeking must not lead to the applicant having spent more than 5 years in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) Migrant, or as a Student, studying courses at degree level or above


