



为什么要转Tier 4?已经正式入读了,即使转Tier 4 也只签到2014年1月而已。psw转掉就不能再用了。psw期间还能工作或是做点小生意。另外转Tier 4还要看你本科以上累计读书时间。

depends on the uni. If the uni forces you to switch to Tier 4, then the student has to do it…


allow the student to register, but may ask you to switch to student visa ASAP.

So depends on the uni.

I am not answering this question to those students in similar situation, not just the one who posted this topic.

Have to admit, the uni is getting more restrict about this issue now.
Non-EU students are requested to swipe student cards at Faculty Office the whole week per month now in my uni.

You mean to check their attendance? Or just make sure they are there in the Uni? O.o

check the attendance.

Yeah, these are all because of what London met had done. So…
