psw 转学生签证 关于学习年限的定义

是这样的2012年的新政策 学生读本科不可以超过3年.

先介绍下我本人的状况 2005.1-2007.10 alevel , 2007.10-2009-10 undergradute, 2009-2010 master 2010/04-2013-03 PSW.

If you are at least 18 years old and studying below degree level Close
If you are 18 years old or over, you can spend no more than three years in the UK studying below UK bachelor’s degree level as a Tier 4 (General) student during your lifetime. You can spend this time studying one course or a number of courses.

We will not give you new permission to study below degree level if you have already been studying below that level for three years in the UK since your 18th birthday.

This three-year limit does not include any time that you have spent studying below UK bachelor’s degree level under:

the student rules that were in place before 31 March 2009; orTier 4 (General) when you were 16 or 17 years old; orTier 4 (Child) when you were aged under 18; orany other immigration category outside Tier 4 which permits study.

我是这样解读UKBA上的年限的, 从2012年4月开始18岁以上的成人不管读什么科系,一生只能最多读3年,也就是以后学生签证最多给三年,而且只有一次.

其实也很明显,我只是想拿永久…不知道亲们知道学硕士的tier 4 会算在读三年之内吗,UKBA上没说明 还是说我只可以在申请两年tier4 因为硕士已经用掉一年…