28/01 寄出材料
14/03 收到指纹信
15/03 按指纹
02/05 收到id
04/05 收到护照
1 跟接线员说你买了机票是完全行不通只会招来一顿教训的,我试了无数次。你得想点别的理由最好是真实的
2 接线员死都不给查签证状态,你可以说:我不是急着要结果,我只想知道它是否寄对了地址,这时90%对方都会要走你的ref然后查了告诉你情况怎样
3 接线员态度不好挂了再打,总能遇到脾气好的
4 遇到对了的人,一定问他你的材料在哪个centre,一般就是croydon或者sheffield
5 好了,最关键的了,大家都知道fax比打电话效率高一万倍,我现在把我搜索到的谢菲尔德签证中心的所有号码全部公开,这应该是集合了所有网上信息最全面的号码了:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Regarding Applicant: Mr XX XX, XX May 19XX China
Address: XX XX XX, XX, TX1X 5XG
Case Reference: 0XXXXXXX8
I am writing to you regarding the PSW application. I understand this must be your busiest time of year for handling PSW Visa applications, but I have to contact you due to XXXXXXXXXXXX, which leaves me no choice other than writing this letter to you.
I’ve been confirmed XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. My family is XXXXXXXXXXXX. Thus they booked an appointment with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for me on XXX May, if I cannot attend this appointment, I have to wait one more month. I have no XXXXXXXXXX and no appointment in the UK now. This is my final chance to see a doctor, immediately. I wish I can back to China on XXX May which would enable me to save me. In order to catch my appointment I would need to receive my passport and visa by the morning of the XXXXXXXX May at the very latest.
I appreciate the time it takes to deal with each application in turn. However I would be immensely grateful if it was possible for you and your colleagues to process my application and send out my passport and visa in time to allow me to save me from XXXXXXXXXXXX. If you need a letter from hospital for proving please feel free to contact me.
Thank you very much for taking time to read my request and I will really appreciate any efforts you may make. I did not prepare a special delivery return in my application, could my case worker kindly do me a favour that send me the passport via special delivery? If you have any queries or need any further information from me please contact me by telephone on 07834XXXXXXXXXX9 or by email on [email protected] .
同志们,经过我的催签,昨天终于拿到了ID,但是护照还没拿到!我问过了是周二早上7点寄出的,second class,我这还能不能收到啊,周日下午的飞机起飞啊,有谁有过自取second class的包裹的经验吗?
我想搜我们这个区的royal mail collection office 网上只能找到08那种电话