
我男朋友今年在读engineering 第四年,因为是本硕连读的,大三其实已经读完了undergraduate, 现在读的是masters, 但是BA和MA的certificate要到今年六月毕业才会同时发。这种情况可以现在申请PSW吗?是不是可以请学校写信证明呀?有没有其他同学有类似的情况呀?谢谢大家!!


The letter must be an original letter (not a copy), on the official letter-headed paper of the United Kingdom institution at which the applicant studied. It must have been issued by an authorised official and must confirm the:
applicant’s name;
title of the qualification;
Date of the award (as defined in paragraph 79 of these guidance notes);
the body awarding the qualification;
explain the reason why the applicant is unable to provide their original certificate of award; and confirm that the certificate will be issued