学生签证7月6日到期,当天寄出的申请。我当天寄出的psw申请, 钱一直没被划走。刚刚打电话问, 说刚刚給我寄了一个package。
今天收到package,材料被退回,信上说钱没被划走,银行拒绝payment!making a valid application, that is, one on the correct form which complies with the above requirements does not guarantee the application will be successful. the application will be considered on its own merits and where appropriate, in accordance with the immigration rules and published policies. if you require further advice about your eligibility under the immigration rules, please visit our website. if you wish to make an application you must return your fully completed application form with the appropriate to the address given on the application form.
我准备这回用cheque还是 banker draft?从来没用过cheque,有没有人能给我讲讲?!!