
我读的是 middlesex university 去年9月17号拿的毕业证 赶在9月17号前申请


K1下面几个问题 请问是都需要钩 还是只钩第一个啊? 能给我详细讲讲每个的意思么? 谢谢

K1. The applicant must have made the application for entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant within 12 months of obtaining the relevant qualification or within 12 months of completing a United Kingdom Foundation Programme.

Please tick one box to confirm that the applicant has sent a letter confirming that either:

he/she completed his/her eligible qualification in the 12 month period immediately before submitting this application.

he/she completed a United Kingdom foundation programme in the 12 month period immediately before submitting this application.

the completion date of his/her foundation programme will be no more than 30 days after submitting this application.


he/she completed his/her eligible qualification in the 12 month period immediately before submitting this application.


好的 谢谢了