
请教论坛中的各位,律师费最终比当初的fixed quotes 高处许多,这是否合理?其中+VAT部分额外20%的VAT。。。

当时选的时候特点选一个价格比较合适的,结果律师所不大,报价是fixed quote £545, 最后杂七杂八加起来简直吓人。关键是服务一点也不好,拖拉前后三个多月,律师前后换了两个,效率低也不够专业。

请问大家有没有遇到过类似的情况?如果有的话有没有什么办法claim?这样的收费合理么。。。 {:5_145:}

PS: 只是买了一个£250k的小flat而已

求各位牛牛指点 {:5_136:}

Legal fee: £595 +VAT
Mortgage lender fee:£95+VAT
SDLT fee:£75+VAT
Approving Indemnity Policy
CHAPs fee : £39+ VAT
Our Fee for AML check £7+VAT
Seller’s Solicitors check fee: £15 +VAT
OS1 Land Registry Search Fee: £6+VAT
Drafting/Approving Deed of Covenant £125+VAT
Removal of a Caution, Restriction, Notice or other HMLR £110+VAT
Dealing with Service Charge Retentions £185+VAT
Acting where a buyer is receiving a gift towards their dep Copy Title Documents: £125 +VAT

Notice, Deed of Covenant & Certificate - Berkeley - £180
Apportionment of service charge - £131.38
Apportionment of ground rent - £33.7

Search £348.76

忘加了,Search 全套没有算在里面差不多£400

我觉得你的费用不高啊。给你看看我的。先不说ground rent和 物业管理费这两样。你都做什么Search了。要花400这么多

MM的很便宜啊,你看我的,还fixed quotes,分明是宰人么。。。各种费用,你看看,VAT又是addtional 20%。。。不晓得这收费合理么。。。。。

我的search 如下, 刚刚确认了一下,£348.76.。。

Local Authority Search
This search is required by all mortgage lenders and will reveal the planning information relating to this property along with information concerning such matters as the roads surrounding the property.

Drainage and Water Search
This search reveals whether or not this property is connected to mains sewers and drains and if a public sewer runs within the boundary of the property.

Environmental Search
This search reveals any environmental issues which may be detrimental to your ownership of this property. Should there be any issues, for example if the land had a previous industrial use and could be contaminated, this could be expensive for you to deal with in the future.

Planning Search
This search reveals all planning applications that have been submitted to the Local Authority in relation to land near to this property. If your future neighbour was planning a large extension, you would want to know about it now.

Chancel Repair Liability Search
This search reveals whether this property is situated in an area where the property owner can be called upon to pay for the costs of maintenance to any Church in the area (not necessarily close by). If this property is within such an area it could be expensive for you to deal with in the future. If we know about it now, we can obtain protective insurance for you at very little cost.

好像后面几项都是乱收费的。Drafting deed of convenant 也收费150, 太夸张了。 那你都做到这一步了,应该是快Exchange了啊。你难道好想换律师楼?
你的search也比我的贵几十。咱俩选的Search package 一样

换就不换了。。。。也是糟心,这周应该就能exchange了,这坑人的律师,不晓得有没有办法投诉 - 报价和最终完全不一样,这不是欺负人么!!! {:5_134:}

你不如问问他,他的legal fee 里包含什么。
最后的两个是缴费,物业费和ground rent也没问题。另外,如果你贷款的机构的名单上没你的律师,你的律师需要找同行转一下,就要多收费应该就是第二个mortgage lender fee.还有land registry 土地登记也是对的。



关键那个quote team 也估计不知道什么,所以就把人蒙上去了,

好在最终complete了! {:5_145:}

问了然后他们说就是他们的标准费用 {:5_129:}