请教关于remortgage 的stamp duty 问题


最近在搞remortgage,以前贷款是老公一个人的名字,现在打算也加上我的名字,这就牵涉到stamp duty 的问题。
照理我要付一半贷款的SDLT, 那么这个费用是按照旧贷款总额 , 也就是 redeemed mortgage value, 还是按照remortgage
的总额来计算呢?比如说以前贷了300K, 现在贷350K来pay off 之前的贷款,那么stamp duty 按哪个金额来算?


It is better to consulate a property lawyer.

From my understanding, it is calculated according to how much “money change hand”. If you borrow 100k to pay your husband (or his lender) to buy a share from him, you will pay stamp duty on 100k. By the way, if you also pay him some cash you will need to pay stamp duty on that as well.

不太理解, 只是为了套现50K, 主动去交stamp duty 不划算啊?

如果我没记错的话夫妇一般是joint tenancy,50-50,除非你想避税,可以1-99,比较繁琐,这里不作解释。

Stamp duty不是按照mortgage计算,是按照当时的房价计算,譬如你的房价是600K,你们夫妇个各300K。
如果是300K计算Stamp Duty应该是14000

下面是我找到一段律师写的,2016年之前的,现在最低stamp duty已经从0%升到3%。
Your spouse can certainly be added to the title to the property. Regardless of whether she/he actually pays you any money for it, you are deemed to have disposed of one half of the property and any stamp duty land tax and land registry fees will be calculated based on the one half share. If the current open market value is £250,000, then there would be no stamp duty land tax payable as the one half share falls within nil rate band threshold, and the land registry fee payable to register the transfer would be £30. If you have any recent valuation on your property or another similar property in your building then that should be kept as a record in case the Inland Revenue query this in the future.

stamp duty按成交价算,与贷款金额无关。



如果房价300k,mortgage 200k,房子在老公名字下想转成各人一半。


银行拥有的那200k,老婆需要借100k从银行买下,所以需要付这100k的stamp duty。

如果和没有mortgage的情况对比就好理解了,没有mortgage老公可以把整个的一半gift给老婆,这没有stamp duty。

最简单的算法就是看有多少钱“change hand”.



银行会收个几百手续费transfer title


SDLT is based on the ‘consideration’, not the house value.


对。成龙哥说的对。不是按房价的,而是按新的change hand的钱数。我今天刚好看到一个政府的文件。https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sdlt-transferring-ownership-of-land-or-property