如何用remortgaging 再贷款

我现在有自住公寓一套,当时买150千,现在估计市场价差不多200千吧,贷款还完了,现在想买一个250千的house自己住,公寓出租,, 自己现在有50千首付,请高人指点如何操作贷款?另外我听朋友说买第二套房可以让夫妻另一方来贷款,就说自己是单身可以逃避第二套房的3%的印花税,这个说法靠谱吗,谢谢


你第二套可以让你老婆去买吧,如果不是joint mortgage就不算做第二套房子。 而且我记得好像一个人可以有2套residential mortgage. 最好还是问一下broker

以前问过银行,只要付的起首付,按估计 出租付得起月供,最好有份工作或者其他资产



离婚让她买 {:5_148:}

Married couples buying property together are being hit with unex­pec­ted tax bills under the Government’s new stamp duty rules.

Stamp duty traps are harder to avoid for married couples, who are counted as one unit under the law – to the extent that some people may feel sufficient incentive to divorce.

Last year the Treasury was accused of introducing a “tax on marriage” after it emerged that unlike cohabitees, married couples would be unable to put a home in each of their names to escape the duty.

One Telegraph Money reader is caught in a Kafkaesque paradox. She has been told that she and her husband have to pay an extra £20,000 duty – which could be avoidable if they were not married, or if they got divorced.

成龙大哥,谢谢您的回复,我自己也不倾向于逃避印花税,像我这个情况是重新申请贷款第二套房子,跟第一套没有关系了,还是通过第一套remortgage 出首付,哪一种比较好一点,谢谢 {:5_137:}


你就再申请mortgage买下一个房子就行了,very straightforward。


谢谢成龙大哥 {:5_137:}