收到律师的report on purchase,有几个问题想问问大家

周五收到律师的report on purchase,有几个问题想问问大家:
1)Report中提到The search has revealed a FENSA notification made to the Building Control Department of the Council relating to 3 windows installed in 2014. We have not received a copy of this FENSA Certificate but the notification made to the Council does mean that the glazing would comply with current building regulations. 这样是不是真的就没问题了?那没有FENSA certificate我们如何claim warranties呢?
2)Report中没有提及电的问题,我是不是要求律师问卖家追要electrical safety test certificate?
3)合同只有一页纸然后附带了Law Society Fittings and Contents Form,这是正常的吗?那如何保证卖家在搬走的时候保持房间里是clean and tidy的呢?



1。fensa证书只是保证窗子是满足building regulation的要求,和warrenty没有任何关系。
4。房贷从completion那天开始,因为银行是completion那天把钱通过律师把钱转给对方。哪天completion和哪天exchange你和对方商量解决,你签了合同给律师但律师要接到你的通知才exchange合同的。虽然要completion那天房子才是你的,但exchange contract以后就不能反悔了,所以房子的building insurance应该也要从exchange那天开始。

谢谢大哥!请问上面的2) 3) 和5) 大哥有什么建议呢?

5)extension是不是满足building regulation的要求你可以咨询律师让律师给你些建议,他们接触过的case多他们应该有能力给你提供advice。planning permission的问题,因为已经超过4年了,planning管不了。building regulation是不同的问题。


律师寄过来的合同就正反一页纸写着Contract incorporating the standard conditions of sale (fifth edition),我很好奇大家的合同都是这样的吗?

另外还有一个问题,律师说卖家2014年新装了3扇窗户但没有FENSA certificate,但律师又说the notification made to the Council does mean that the glazing would comply with current building regulations。我应不应该继续追究这个问题?总感觉事情发生在去年,追补一个certificate应该不是很麻烦的事情啊,为什么卖家不能提供呢

Approval for extension means both building control and planning. If it is not up to building control standards you may have to remedy it and it may cost you money. As to the planning permission for the extension, it is either a permitted development, or that it isn’t. If it isn’t then if the extension is built more than 4 years ago, then you may apply for a lawful development certificate from the local planning authority (your Council). That cost money. Take those into consideration and ask for a discount from the sale price.

You are OK. FENSA is a notifiable project, as long as there is record of it being FENSA complaint, you are OK.