问个关于Resident Labour Market Test的问题

有个问题咨询一下各位,如果用的dependent签证做的试用期,probation period结束以后要申请tier 2, 还用做RLMT吗? 这个属于下面这个范畴吗?

Continuing to work in the same occupation
28.5 If the migrant is already working for you and they need to extend their leave to continue working for you in the same occupation, you do not need to conduct a resident labour market test.

感觉概念有点模糊,上面这个给employer的guidance里面的是不是指的的是续签tier 2的人,首次签tier 2的如果不是tier 4或者psw转的就得做RLMT。

以防公司HR不靠谱,还是自己搞明白比较好,有木有大牛出来解答一下:dizzy: 多谢~



Only the following may apply to switch into Tier 2 (General) employment without leaving the UK:

Tier 1 migrant;
Tier 4 migrant;
dependant partners of student visa holders;
student nurse, but only if your certificate of sponsorship shows that you are being sponsored to work as a nurse, doctor, or dentist;
student re-sitting an examination;
person writing up a thesis;
overseas qualified nurse or midwife;
postgraduate doctor or dentist, but only if your certificate of sponsorship shows that you have been sponsored to work as a nurse, doctor or dentist;
student union sabbatical officer;
qualifying work permit holder;
Highly Skilled Migrant;
a participant in the International Graduate Scheme (formerly known as the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme);

If the migrant is not in any of these categories, they must leave the United Kingdom and make a new visa application at their local entry clearance post in their resident country.

回国 = RLMT + 名额

dependent partner of student是可以境内续签的不用回国,上面写啦~
后来也在Tier 2的guidance上找到了必须是Tier 2续签才可以免除RLMT.

同问一下啊 不好意思 重复发帖了