有懂房产法律的吗?新人求助 restrictive covenants

看上一个商用office, 想改成住宅自己住,但是发现有好多 covenants。 貌似年代很久远了,要紧吗?主要因为想自己住加一个栅栏,但是第六条好像对栅栏距离主路有要求?但是在图纸上前面一块离主路很近的地也是这个房子的。
Schedule of restrictive covenants
1 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Conveyance
dated 8 July 1919 referred to in the Charges Register:-
"And the Purchaser for himself his heirs executors administrators and
assigns (to the intent and so that this Covenant shall be binding on
the said hereditaments hereby conveyed into whosesoever hands the same
may come but not so as to be personally liable in damages for any
breach thereof taking place after he shall have parted eith the same)
hereby covenants with the Vendors their heirs executors administrators
and assigns that he will at all times hereafter observe and perform the
stipulations obligations and conditions in relation to the
hereditaments hereby conveyed which are contained in the Fourth
Schedule hereto
The Fourth Schedule referred to

  1. At all times hereafter or after the construction of the said
    streets and roads as the case may be to keep such of them as shall
    adjoin the hereditaments hereby conveyed in good and sufficient repair
    to the respective centres thereof and to the extent of the frontages
    thereto of the said hereditaments hereby conveyed the same shall become repairable by the inhabitants at large.
  2. At all times hereafter or after the construction of the said main
    drains or sewers as the case may be to pay and contribute rateably
    according to the numbers of houses or other premises using the same
    towards the cost of keeping the same in good repair and working order
    until the same shall become vested in or be adopted by the Local
  3. Whenever the said streets or roads shall be open or broken into for
    the purpose of making connections with the said main drains or sewers
    or of laying water or gas pipes therein immediately to reinstate the
    same to the satisfaction of the Vendors or their successors in title.
  4. To make all connections that may be necessary to be made with the
    said drains or sewers in a manner approved by and to the satisfaction
    of the Vendors or their successors in title
  5. That every main building at any time hereafter erected or built
    upon the hereditaments hereby conveyed shall be constructed so that the
    front thereof shall face the street upon which the end of the lot is
    shown upon the said plan to face
  6. And also will not at any time hereafter erect or build or permit to
    be erected or built upon the hereditaments hereby conveyed or any part
    thereof any erection or building (except bay windows porticoes
    doorsteps walls fences or other similar structures) nearer to Ash
    Road aforesaid than fifteen feet as indicated by the Building Line
    marked on the said plan and no building whatsoever (except walls and
    fences not exceeding six feet in height) nearer than ten feet to Ash
    Road aforesaid"
    2 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Conveyance
    dated 27 June 1985 referred to in the Charges Register:-
    “The Purchaser hereby covenant with the Vendor that during the
    Purchaser’s ownership of the property hereby conveyed it shall not be
    used as a Funeral Parlour Funeral Home or for any similar purpose”
    3 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Transfer
    dated 11 January 1988 referred to in the Charges Register:-
    "The Transferee hereby covenants with the Transferor so as to benefit
    the land edged with green on the plan bound up within or any or part or
    parts thereof (“the retained property”) and so far as to bind the land

4 of 5
Schedule of restrictive covenants continued
hereby transferred into whosesoever hands the same may come but not so
as to render the Transferee personally liable in damages for any breach
of a restrictive covenant after it shall have parted with all interest
in the land hereby transferred as follows:
(a) Not to develop use or permit or allow the land hereby transferred
or any part of it to be used as a newsagents, stationers, tobacconists
or confectioners.
(b) Not to cause any obstruction in or to or any damage to any pipes,
drains, watercourses, conduits, wires and pipes, the use of which is or
may be commom to the land hereby transferred and the retained property
and forthwith to clear any obstruction or make good any damage that may
be caused.
(c) Not to do or allow to be done on the land hereby transferred
anything which may be or grow to be a nuisance or annoyance to the
Transferor or its successors in title the owners for the time being of
the retained property."
NOTE: The retained property referred to is 9 Ash Road.


谢谢回复。 还没决定要买,自己先买了一份 title, 结果发现这么多restrictive covenants. 请了律师是不是就要进行交易了?

Restrictive covenants 一定要调查清楚 因为有时候会很麻烦。不知道你是第几任buyer,因为律师还要调查清楚是不是以前的房主有违反restrictive covenants 的情况,如果有可能要向他们调查 如果找不到人很有可能你要负责任 作为successive purchaser。还有就是你要看看你自己将来的enjoyment会不会受影响,限制那么多,你自己将来就不能随便的改动,包括房屋的使用商用改自主,还有其他别的。请了律师就是负责交易前的调查。如果是商用,还要调查以前是什么用途,是否有污染等等,比如打印社啦什么的,这些如果对环境造成污染的,你都有可能负责。这些都是最坏的情况,一切要看律师做的调查报告为准。估计这种情况律师费用也会比较贵一些。请了律师在交换合同前随时可以终止交易,损失律师费用调查费用以及时间而已。

谢谢回复。 感觉水好深的样子。目前就是一个office. 奇怪的地方是中介给我看了房东请人画的图但是没有申请planning permission. 他画的图是分成几个studio,和我自住需要的图不一样。

planning permission还有building regulation吧 是改房子可能要申请的 不然算违建,要看大改还是小改。如果违建还要看有没有发notice。总之律师会调查清楚也是他们的职责所在。你将来商用改自住一定要planning permission,价钱要看情况,结构上要做大改动都要申请这两个的。当然如果律师调查之后说没有问题就万事大吉啦。