有roa上大学的孩子了吗?请问费用是home student吗?

有roa上大学的孩子了吗?请问费用是home student吗?能贷款吗?
有此疑问是某日和英国长大的非英同事说起大学学费,她建议我赶快给孩子办英国护照,因为学费可以贷款等于变相免费。她说我家孩子现在roa有可能上大学贷不了款。依我看到时算home student费用应该没问题,但能不能贷款我还真不知道。虽然我娃才六岁,心想如果roa真会 导致上大学区别对待的话等她第二本护照到期就11岁了,到时是不是就干脆领英国护照算了。因为好像上大学的三年前你不是英国护照不算本地生?

Your nationality or residency status
You can apply if all of the following apply:

you’re a UK national or have ‘settled status’ (no restrictions on how long you can stay)
you normally live in England
you’ve been living in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for 3 years before starting your course
You can also apply if you’ve been given settled status (‘indefinite leave to remain’) because you’ve been the victim of domestic violence.

Non-UK nationals must have settled status on the first day of the first academic year of the course - which could be 1 September, 1 January, 1 April or 1 July.

You may also be eligible if your residency status is one of the following:

humanitarian protection
EEA migrant worker
child of a Swiss national
child of a Turkish worker
a stateless person (including eligible family members) and you’re a new student starting on or after 1 August 2018
granted leave to remain or a child of someone granted leave to remain
granted ‘Calais leave’ to remain or a child of someone granted ‘Calais leave’ to remain - your course started on or after 1 August 2020 and you’ve lived in the UK for at least 3 years before the first day of the first academic year of your course
You may also be eligible if you’re not a UK national and are either:

from an EU country
under 18 and have lived in the UK for at least 7 years
18 or over and have lived in the UK for at least 20 years (or at least half of your life)

有ROA就已经有国籍纸了,有国籍纸是不是就理所当然就是home student了?根本不涉及持哪国护照的问题。
