房子就两层,council来信寻求意见,我们是想阻止的。二楼住户如果做roof extension,必然需要在我家院子前后搭建脚手架,家里有小孩,1岁多,到处乱爬的阶段,安全是很大的问题,此外,楼上的扩建也必然影响我家花园的光照。不知道这两点是否足够阻止二楼住户的申请,各位还有其他什么办法吗?后果越严重越好。当然会间接导致我们房子的devalue,council说不可以算comment。
没用,即便修房顶也可能搭脚手架,暂时的政府不会考虑危害,即便孩子有损伤也与你有关系 ,我家旁边房子改了少管所20个邻居写信都没用,要么忍要么搬,现在天天16,17岁孩子满街跑闹。
二楼如果做loft conversion(有dorm),那你反对没有什么用,除非它搞的太大,但如果搞太大council也不会批的。
如果二楼想加层,被批的可能性不大,另外freehold是谁?如果你有share freehold你可以不同意。
Your Rights Under the Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992
Your Rights
In order to grant an access order the court must be convinced that the reasons you need to gain access to a neighbour’s land, if they have been flatly refused permission, are valid as contained within the Act. Valid reasons for granting an access order would include:
The maintenance, renovation or repair of a property (or parts of it) in order to preserve it
The clearing or repair of any sewers, drains, cables or pipes
The removal or filling in of a ditch
The felling of a tree, plant or hedge (or parts of it) which have died, become diseased or which have become insecurely rooted and unstable which is likely to pose a danger
The basic interpretation of the law here is that the work must relate to the ‘preservation’ of an existing structure as opposed to granting permission to gain access to a neighbour’s land in order to make it easier to construct a new development, such as a new conservatory or extension.
Therefore, even if you have been granted planning permission for a ‘new build’, this does NOT mean that you can automatically gain access to a neighbour’s land if parts of the work need to be carried out from their side of the Boundary Line. That is not covered by the Act and any such work in this instance would have to be agreed to by both you and your neighbours themselves.
是的,我们家是maisonette。龙哥的意思是他们的planning permission可以过,但是只要底下的花园是我的地儿就可以用此条款不让他们用我们的地儿进行扩建。
到底怎么扩建啊,变高?如果影响你们的光照,有个45 degree rule,你以此反对应该行。总之council的扩建方面的网站你可以好好研究一下
If your neighbours don’t care about your feeling, you will not be able to please them even you sacrifice your own interest.
By assertive, be firm!
來拿銀子的. 房子的事情不會. 不好意思.
龙哥,多谢回复,现在楼上的planning permission批了的,邻居给我来了个written notice:Party Structure Notice,提前14天给通知,如有争议接下来就是找surveyor了的。我想试着用access to neighbouring land act 1992去驳回,但是发现网上有这么说的:What happens if the adjoining owner refuses to give access?
If you are entitled to carry out works and have given 14 days’ notice of your proposed entry, it is an offence for the adjoining owner to:
Refuse a person (including a party wall surveyor) access to its land to carry out works.
Obstruct a person from carrying out works.
没有party wall agreement,builder一般是不愿意开工的,不然你以后说他们的施工给你造成多少多少损失builder说不清楚。
我们有个项目在Orpington,情况跟楼主一样,也是拿到了planning permission,然后不知道能不能进入楼下花园搭脚手架,所以暂时没有开始。静等楼主结果。