请教-SAR 各项互相包含吗?

请教下最近申请过SAR的各位大神,SAR 各项有互相包含吗?

现在,types of request 分3类,basic,specific,detailed。(记得以前申请不是这样子的呢)

具体来说,我希望得到 entry and exit record (basic 项目)和 applications made in the uk (specific 项目)。

那么我需要同时申basic 和 specific?
还是只申 specific 就得到这两项了?

或者我直接申detailed 就啥都有了。。。


detailed 解释提到 “we will provide you with an initial summary…,after which you can request additional information…”
这是说,第一次申请的话 得到的其实是 basic 的东西?想要真正的 detailed,需要再申请一次吗?



不过又回到原来问题了。。detailled 就真的包括所有吗???
我试着选了detailed,看列出来的项目中 并没有entry record呀。。。:cn03:

This allows you to request a copy of your full Home Office file. You will receive a response within 1 month of your identity being verified by the Home Office.

Initially, you will be sent an electronic summary of your immigration history (as with a basic application) as this gives most people what they need. However, this option allows you to request further information from your Home Office file if you still need it.