请问saving account BS 能用于签证吗?

刚刚看学校发的资料。上说 saving account will not be accepted
于是赶快上 home office上查看,但是没有看到说 saving account 不行~

还有的我签证10月31号到期。刚刚把saving account的钱转到了 current account。 28天后也就是10月22号。递签还来得及吧。

学费9000 交了一半。账户上要保证9900吧。


saving account 完全没有任何问题



没有问题,SAVING 和 CURRENT 都打出来给他就行。我的就是这么办的。NO PROBLEM 。 LZ放心拉{:5_137:}


如果我saving够钱但是current不够,这样可以吗? 但是两个都是同一个帐户



really?? great news for me!! thankss

I believe HO takes saving account BS.

but I would suggest you to submit the current account BS as well, they would like to see your daily spends.

just to make sure, high light the dates and the words of ‘saving account’ & ‘current account’. as you know home office staff are stupid, they sometimes cannot tell the differences…

can also write a cover letter to explain it , but not important.

Hi, yes, i have sent both accounts, but i didn’t have the minimum of 800 every day for 90 days. but with saving I have enough.

it should be fine. good luck.