想买房子的.一定不知道有这个福利吧!SDLT relief for multiple dwelli

SDLT relief for multiple dwellings
You can claim relief when you buy more than one dwelling where a transaction or a number of linked transactions include freehold or leasehold interests in more than one dwelling.

If you claim relief, to work out the rate of tax HMRC charge:

divide the total amount paid for the properties by the number of dwellings
work out the tax due on this figure
multiply this amount of tax by the number of dwellings
The minimum rate of tax under the relief is 1% of the amount paid for the dwellings.

Find out more in the HMRC SDLT manual.

You buy 5 houses for £1 million.

£1 million divided by 5 is £200,000.

The amount of SDLT you pay on £200,000 is £1,500 (0% of £125,000 + 2% of £75,000).

£1,500 multiplied by 5 is £7,500.

As this is less than 1% of £1 million (which is £10,000), the amount of tax you pay is £10,000

印花税没改higher rate rule 之前,的确可以使用。

现在你可以challenge 一下,看看行不行。

Interaction with the higher rates of SDLT applicable to purchases of additional residential properties.
A purchase of multiple dwellings which qualifies for the higher rates will still be eligible for multiple dwelling relief, albeit the rate of tax on the average consideration will take into account the higher rates.
