[请教] 有配偶签证,男方secondment要去non EU country

大家好! 我有一个问题想请教各位。

我现在拿着配偶签在工作, 男方是英国人,最近要被外派去国外(非欧盟国家)1年。我的公司了解后说担心男方走了之后我没有留英工作权。 我觉得应该没有问题,首先我有配偶签,其次我也不想留在英国,男方走了之后我过一阵把工作交接了还有房子出租好再 serve notice period 也就跟着走了。中间只有那么两三个月要留在英国工作。我的公司hr又半桶水, 怕我这几个月内不能工作。我在英国签证官网上又没有找到相关信息,所以想问问大家这个情况怎么解释?


You are quitting your job anyway. Just a matter of serving the notice period. If your HR doesn’t let you continue, it’s not your fault. You already noticed them asap.

I have the same situation. My DH also got secondment to a foreign country, for nearly two months now. I am also serving the notice period at the moment. My HR didn’t say anything about my spouse visa.

Thank you Yvette. I think the same but I don’t know why our hr is so concerned about this two/three months…I guess they just have nothing else to do!?

Anyway, good to know there is someone who’s in a similar situation. Good luck with your move.

You don’t know why your hr is so concerned about this two/three months…
I don’t know why you told your hr so irrelevant matters…

Well…I didn’t tell them. A little bird told them.

Then…why you told the little bird so irrelevant matters…

I don’t know who the little bird is and I don’t think your question is relevant to what I asked…

So you have told someone whom you don’t even know… Hmmm…