十年永居 新表格 set lr 新问题B12

10月十年永居set lr表格上问题B12,

B12. If you are in a genuine and subsisting relationship with a person who is settled in the UK or who is a British citizen, please provide their details here, including their name, nationality and date of birth. You must provide evidence of cohabitation since the start of this relationship.




B12. If you are in a genuine and subsisting relationship with a person who is settled in
the UK or who is a British citizen, please provide their details here, including their name,
nationality and date of birth. You must provide evidence of cohabitation since the start of
this relationship.



Note 11 The items of correspondence should be addressed to you jointly or in both your names.
Examples of acceptable items are listed below. The documents provided must be originals.
Photocopies are not acceptable.
The dates of the items of correspondence should be spread evenly over the whole period you
are relying on. They should be from at least 3 different sources. If you do not have enough items
in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually if they
show the same address for both of you.
For example - Four items of correspondence in joint names to the same address and two items
addressed to each partner at the address. In total eight items would need to be submitted.
If you and your partner have no bills or correspondence in joint names, you will need to submit
twelve items (six each) of correspondence, evidencing that you reside together at the same
Examples of acceptable items of correspondence
• Letters or other documents from government departments or agencies, for example HM
Revenue and Customs, Department for Work and Pensions, DVLA, TV Licensing.
• Letters or other documents from your GP, a hospital or other local health service about
medical treatments, appointments, home visits or other medical matters
• Bank statements/letters
• Building society savings books/letters
• Council tax bills or statements
• Electricity and/or gas bills or statements
• Water rates bills or statements
• Mortgage statements/agreement
• Tenancy agreement(s)
• Telephone bills or statements

这是我网上找的。其实我也不太清楚,看有没有大牛来回复吧。 我下个月申。咱们随时交流吧
划重点: spread evenly over the whole period you are relying on。 然后3个sources



我后来提供5年以内的信件,大概每四个月一份信证明两个住在一起. 信的要求他们没有写明来源,但是感觉最好不要是同一个. 比如HMRC, 银行, council tax, 水电费,nhs, tenancy agreement等. 感觉他们对这个查的不是很严格.主要是证明你们的关系是真的.所以有的时候就是担心太多了.

办十年永居不是只证明你在英国合法居住十年? 难道配偶签转十年永居还要证明夫妻关系?(先前的配偶签你一定证明过了吧?)要两次证明?


